Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jam Packed - Half Water Half Gas

By Will Hoeman

Give it any name, water fuel or hydrogen gas fuel, they relate to only one thing. many many years ago, people would have been reluctant in using the hydrogen gas technology but now, it is gaining popularity all over the globe especially in rich countries like the US, Europe, and Canada. If you also want to use hydrogen gas fuel, it is imperative that you change your car today.

The Earth is made up of 75% water and that you learned in your primary days so armed with this fact, scientists conducted various studies to prove that water can be a generator of fuel energy. Regrettably, water alone can't be used to power a vehicle and what you need is a converting tool and an HHO generator - but still, water is an integral part in hydrogen technology.

One of the best scientists who studied about the viability of water as generator of clean fuel is Nikola Tesla. Not all of his research have been provided to the world, though there are lots of inventions credited to his name. Most of Tesla's innovations were ?futuristic' and ordinary people can't normally comprehend them. Though there is nothing novel about hydrogen technology, as it has been existent for some time now, it is the hydrogen-powered cars, which has caught public attention recently. This is of course a serious matter for corporations who marketplace gas, as it can mean a drastic reduction in demand once greater numbers of hydrogen-powered vehicles are on the road.

There is also another development as hydrogen fueled vehicles are drawing increasing world attention to matters like air pollution and global warming. Today, there are 1,000's of cars, which are happily using water as their running fuel, but of course the car has to be modified first, to enjoy this prerogative. It may sound unbelievable, but the mileage of the car can increase by 75 -100%. But then, the facts speak for themselves so check online for user testimonies and product reviews and everyone is raving about hydrogen fuel.

I am sure you have witnessed TV programs where users are interviewed on hydrogen technology and you can see the satisfaction on their faces. If as a car owner, the increasing cost of fuel is giving you nightmares, convert your car immediately. You don't have to take the car to a mechanic because you can either do the converting on your own or purchase a ready-made HHO generator and converting tool.

Though the latter may seem a bit costly, with an 0 as its price tag, but be assured that once you have converted your car with the help of hydrogen gas power cell technology, you are sure of many years of pleasant driving without any hole in your pocket for oil prices. Even functionally the car performs optimally, over and above saving on oil expenditures. You car turns noiseless and the gears move more smoothly.

So if you are looking for happiness and contentment in your car, change your car to hydrogen gas fuel today. If hydrogen technology performance leaves you dissatisfied for some reason, you have the flexibility to switch back to gas vehicle car, after removing it from the car. Since a great percentage of car owners who modified to hydrogen gas power are happy, then maybe you might find it economical as well. So far, this is the best green generator of fuel energy for cars so what are you waiting for? Join the club of numerous satisfied users, save lots of money for oil and give back something to Mother Earth. - 15437

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