Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Never Be Ignored By A Girl Again, Part 2

By Joseph Matthews

This is a continuation. Be sure to read part 1 of this article!

On to rule number 4!

4. Talk To Her

Most shy guys are often left wondering why girls don't notice him. This leads to him questioning himself. I'd guess that some even think that the woman is going to approach and ask him out.

But 99% of women don't operate this way.

To women, if a guy doesn't approach them, he's not interested! Even if they LIKE a guy and find him attractive, they'll never approach him. It's always up to the guy.

So if you take some time and TALK to her, she's guaranteed to notice you. But stay away from "boring" conversation topics like "Where are you from?" and "What do you do?"

Remember - the key here is to STAND OUT. When you approach a girl, ask her something interesting. Instead of saying something like "You're hot, can I buy you a drink?" say "Hey, real quick - I just gotta know - which do you think is manlier, a guy drinking an apple martini, or a guy drinking a strawberry daiquiri?"

See the difference? How often do you think the girl gets asked THAT kind of question? And from there, that can lead to all kinds of conversation.

The key is to make yourself interesting. You do this by being different, and offering something new. You also are talking to her, rather than forcing her to talk to you. If you don't get things moving, it's doubtful she'll do it either.

5. Be Fun!

It's a painfully obvious fact that guys who have a good time get noticed by women.

Why? Because women want to have a good time too!

When you're standing around, feeling bored, or lonely, or desperate, or whatever - you are not having fun. Other people IGNORE those who don't have fun and sit there quietly.

But someone who's laughing, dancing, chatting with others - those are the people who get noticed. In fact, those are the people who draw others towards them!

One of the fundamental keys in attracting women is to have fun with them! Fun generates all sorts of positive emotions in women, and eventually, those emotions get associated with you!

All too often, guys take themselves way too seriously when they are around a girl they like, because they don't want to "blow it" with her. But when you play it safe, no one has any fun, and you get IGNORED. Because eventually, she's going to go off and have some fun with another guy if you're not meeting her needs!

And here's the beauty of this - if you're having fun and she isn't - so what? YOU are having a good time, and because of that, you will attract another girl to you who is on the same wavelength!

Being fun will make you far more interesting and comfortable around than the average guy, and you'll appear funnier to boot.

She can love you or hate you. Either is fine. Just remember, you don't want her apathetic towards you. - 15437

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