Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Toning Your Body with Liposuction

By Victoria Rowde

Liposuction is generally considered to be an old, safe and tested procedure. It doesn't mean though that it's a procedure for everybody. If you're thinking of getting a lipo, you better get yourself informed first.

What it is

Designed to remove localized fat, liposuction is considered an invasive surgical procedure. Areas that may be subjected to lipo include hips, face, neck, abdomen, thighs, calves, arms, buttocks and back. Although it is primarily a surgical procedure, it is also considered a cosmetic procedure since the objective of liposuction is to make a person look better. It is not however a procedure recommended for weight loss and is used simply to shape the body. Since liposuction involves localized areas, it may sometimes be used for the removal of cellulite. New techniques under this surgical procedure now include tumescent method, super wet technique and ultrasound assisted lipoplasty.


The procedure is not for everyone. The surgeon will usually conduct an assessment first to determine the fitness of a lipo candidate. A candidate should have localized fat but may have more than one area with localized fat. He should also be of normal or close to the normal or ideal weight for his age and height and is physically and psychologically healthy and stable.

One other factor to be considered for liposuction is age. Younger people are deemed better candidates since most young people have elastic skins. Older people and people with inelastic skins are not good candidates for liposuction. Those who have diabetes, poor blood circulation, heart ailments and other serious medical conditions may also be excluded from the list of qualified candidates.

The Procedure

A small incision is made and a cannula or a hollow tube is inserted. The tube is then moved around to break fat and suction it out. A vacuum pump is used for suctioning. Fluids may be removed along with the fats too so a patient should be provided with fluid replacements during liposuction. Local anesthesia may be used if only a very small amount of fat is to be removed. General anesthesia may be recommended though for more serious cases. Individuals may be sedated during the procedure to maintain calmness and relaxation.

After the Surgery

Some swelling, pain, numbness, bruising and fluid release may be experienced after the surgery. Depending on your capacity to recuperate, you may be able to get back to light work after a few days. Complete recovery however may take at least two weeks to one month. In some people, swelling may still be apparent even after a few months.

Individuals are often counseled not to have ideal or excessive expectations. Sometimes, even months after lipo, some areas may still have fat deposits. In some cases, additional sessions are needed. The scar may not be so obvious but some people may not develop perfectly smooth surfaces.

With the right candidate and the right doctor, a liposuction is generally considered to be a safe medical procedure. Make sure that you are under the care of a qualified and competent surgeon. - 15437

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