Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Can I do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

By Jeremi Hany

A lot of people may start asking themselves, "Is it really possible to win my ex girlfriend back" after a devastating break up. Most probably, they will start to think about a lot of things in their mind. They might be wondering if their relationship will still be intact if they have done things in a different manner. Perhaps, they even start to plan how to write an apology letter to help them win a girlfriend back.

Unfortunately, this may never work for one main reason: Because it is very hard for you to tell what are the real reasons that cause the break up. Women can be very emotional and a lot of times, they themselves don't even know the trigger that lead to the breakup. All the women know is that they feel like breaking up even though they can pin point exactly why. A lot of times, you can waste a lot of energy trying to find out what went wrong.

So, the first step that you will want to take is to forget about this relationship for time being. It is probably better for you top put your energy into other things. Here are some things that you can consider doing. Having fun, making friends, networking etc. In general, you want to stop thinking about women for a while. It is important to set a realistic goal as far as meeting people and seduction is concerned.

Make changes in your life during this couple of months. Cutting off contact with your ex girlfriend and focusing on improving yourself can work wonders.

By adopting this strategy, you are giving yourself the opportunity to change your life gradually. You will also change the way you perceive relationships. Give yourself a few months and you will probably start to have a better idea of what you want out of the relationship with your ex.

Do you still desire to get your ex girlfriend back? Or are you ready to let go of this relationship? Depending on your choice, act accordingly. If you still have feelings for your ex girlfriend, you will want to figure out how she feels about you.

Now is your chance to be a little more direct when it comes to getting your ex girlfriend back. You need to play strategically, however. Do not simply beg her to get back with you, because this is not a good time to be emotional.

Instead of acting out of desperation, you want to be and remain cool instead. Since you have already cut off contact with her for a period of time, she is very likely to miss you as much as you miss her. Therefore, you can afford to play hard to get a little bit. But of course, do not overdo it. You want to show her that you are doing okay without her. This will inspire her to thing about things in a different manner.

If you are really meant to get back together with your ex, you should be able to see obvious indication. It is important not to be over analytical as it will prevent you from taking the right action. Take things slowly and be cool. Things should turn out fine. - 15437

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