Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Without Losing Your Self Respect

By Cheryl Pierce

Trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back without turning into "that crazy chick?" Don't worry, it can be managed, but you need to be careful about whose advice you pursue. The trouble is a lot of women pull together every trick in the book and then utilize them altogether at once. Can you state, "bunny boiler?"

To help you keep your boyfriend and your self respect in the process, here are some no-stress, no-drama points on how to get your ex boyfriend back.

Take some time out

Whatever you do, don't play on the emotions you have directly after the breakup. Perchance you feel like showing up at his home with a mess of newly baked chocolate chip cookies and gushing your heart out about everything you did wrong. Once you've had a few days to realize some perspective, though, you'll see why that's a sorry idea.

Don't even so much as IM your ex until you at least feel like you can live without him. When you talk to your guy again, you need to come across as fun and attractive-or at least emotionally stable-or you risk scaring him for ever.

Think over how come you broke up

Let's face it, when we get used to a guy, we can all become a little demanding, nagging, and excessively worked up. Take a long hard look at how you've shifted since you 1st met each other and take steps to show your ex you won't be like that again. This is another reason most tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back will tell you to pull in your emotions and be more like the fun, confident lady you were when he originally met you.

Stay attractive

You may not acknowledge this precisely, but if you have some estimate of what it was about you your man found attractive, play up that trait a little (assuming you enjoy it, too). Maybe you loved to go hiking together or he admired your love for politics. Whatever it was, get involved with it again and make sure your mutual friends know.

One thing you don't need to do, though, is begin dating again. Your ex might take for granted you're no longer interested in him and not try to make contact even if he does begin wanting you.

Find effective advice

As you've in all probability noticed, just almost everyone has an impression to give you on how to get your ex boyfriend back. While some of your friends might come up with pretty practical advice, you never know which point might boomerang on you. To keep things simple, look to proven advice from those experienced in restoring relationships, such as marriage counselors.

The primary thing to keep in mind when you're attempting to decide how to get your ex boyfriend back is to stay calm and not snap up at every piece of advice you fall across. As long as your ex sees that you truly are still the individual he used to love, following a tested plan from a master relationship counselor can bring your guy back faster than you might imagine. - 15437

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