Friday, March 20, 2009

5 Actions That Jerks Take To Get Women, Part 2

By Joseph Matthews

Part 2 in a 2 part series.

4. Jerks are honest about what they want.

A Jerk will approach a woman with no intention of hiding his desires. He will flirt, lust after her, and try to get her in bed that night.

The woman he's after knows immediately what he wants, and by making it so clear, he puts the ball in her court.

If not, the Jerk moves on and finds another girl. If so, then the Jerk takes her by the hand and drags her off.

This type of honesty is actually appreciated by women. In contrast, you have the nice guys who try and fly under the radar by being an asexual "friend." He hangs out, listens to the girl's problems, tries to help her when she needs it, and then all of a sudden, he springs the fact on her that he's deeply in love!

And the girl FREAKS OUT.

The reason for this is that the "nice guy," in trying to not get rejected quickly by misrepresenting his intentions, has basically built a relationship with the girl based on LIES.

And because of that, the girl has already pegged him as a "friend."

So when the guy wants to be "more than friends," the girl feels betrayed, because she's become accustomed to thinking of him in a certain way, and now he's demanding she look at him differently.

(Not surprisingly, shortly after this happens, most girls even stop being "friends" with the guy!)

Nice guys should make their intentions clear from the start. Flirt with a girl. Let her know you like her and want to date her! If she rejects you, move on until you find a girl who likes what you have to offer.

That's what the Jerks do, and it works out great for them!

5. Jerk's guard their self esteem

Often times, a nice guy will get rejected by a girl, and it will send him into a depressive spiral. His self esteem will drop, he'll get depressed and will shut himself in for the night.

Jerk's don't suffer from this problem. They safeguard their self-esteem viciously, and don't allow rejection to get them down.

This is why Jerks are Jerks! Because they will completely IGNORE rejection, and even go so far as to put down and ridicule other people to make themselves feel more important than they are.

This constant guarding of their self esteem allows them to keep pursuing their goals by not allowing them to fall into a funk of depression.

And no matter how you cut it - a guy with high self esteem is always way more attractive to women than a depressed loser.

For the average nice guy, it's important not to take rejection personally. If a girl isn't into you, it doesn't mean you're not attractive, or cool, or interesting - it just means that girl isn't right for you!

So you keep looking for one that is, and you don't stop until you find her.

Rejection can be a hard thing for anyone to deal with. But remember to keep a positive outlook. Instead of seeing it as "losing a girl," think of it like "I just eliminated a girl who'd have wasted my time if I pursued her."

You don't need to ridicule or bad mouth others to feel good about yourself like Jerks do, but you should protect your self esteem as viciously as possible, because that will keep you going.

Understand - picking up women is a numbers game. The more women you meet, the more likely it is you'll get one! Jerk's succeed due to their tenacity and ability to play the numbers. Nice guys go for one or two women a night while Jerks hit up 20-30.

And it's these five traits that allow them to do that!

You don't need to be a jerk, or even fully act like a jerk, to get women. You just need to dedicate yourself to going after what you want. - 15437

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