Monday, March 16, 2009

How to Get over an Ex, 5 Must-do's to Make a Clean Break

By Susie Kempton

If you're hurting because you just cant seem to get over an ex, youre not alone. Difficult and sometimes crushing feelings often accompany a break-up. It doesnt matter much whether you initiated the split or not, it still takes time to reclaim all the parts of yourself that you gave to your ex-partner and move on.

Time is a magic healer, we all know that and you must give yourself the time to adjust to your loss

The number one answer to fully regaining yourself, of course is TIME. If you invested any length of time in the relationship, you have to give yourself awhile to go through the normal stages of loss.

1. Overcome the urge to contact your ex, don't make up excuses to call, email or send sms messages and above all be strong, make it a clean break and focus on yourself and get in the mindset to move on, you know you are strong and you can do this.

2. Don't sit at home watching the telephone, checking your email every half hour and make the most of your time. Contact those friends and family that you may well have been neglecting during the relationship. Restart your exercising, join a gym, and be active. This will help the time to pass, it will be more pleasant and you will speed up the recovery process.

3. Re-evaluate your life. Use this time to look at your life and re-establish your dreams. Maybe its time to go back to school. Could you drop a few pounds and get back in that bathing suit. There may be a blessing hidden in the breakup in the form of new opportunities.

4. Determine what you want out of your next relationship. Perhaps the relationship just fizzled out. But regardless of whether the split was dramatic or quiet, or whose fault it was, take a look at how you could have been better within the relationship. Journaling and visualizing what your next relationship might look like for you.

5. Forgive. One of the things that ties you to your ex emotionally and spiritually, is unforgiveness. Whatever you went through together is past, and you both did the best you could at the time. Forgiving and asking for forgiveness if youve wronged your ex will set you both free.

The recovery phase after a breakup can be miserable, if you allow it to be after all that trauma. These actions above will help you to rebuild your life, and remember that your life has much to offer.

Also consider this: there are 7 billion of us walking this planet, there is certainly someone out there for you.

Susie - 15437

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