Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting Over an Ex With 6 Tips to Start Living Again

By Susie Kempton

Life is too short to spend looking at the past and what could have been done differently. If you are at the point where you know you need to move on with your life? then read on...

Everthing in life has a "sell by date", to prolong the agony is just folly and downright painful too

If you accept some of the suggestions below, you may find yourself enjoying life again, or at least feeling like life without your ex is possible.

Face up to the facts. Ok, so you are single again, but you still have the most reliable person in the world on your side...yourself.

Remember what you love to do and start doing it. Whether its photography, visiting with friends, playing a sport or gathering with family - open up your heart and home to the things and people youve put on the back burner and start getting over an ex partner is somewhat easier.

Resolve not to feed resentment and anger, but rather to forgive and let go. That will set both you and your ex free.

Do something outrageous that youve always dreamed of doing. Go white water rafting, go on a singles cruise, try sky-diving. Have fun. Stretch yourself.

Get enough rest, eat right and exercise to stay well. Go to a counselor if you feel your moods or feelings are overshadowing your life. Treat yourself to a massage and release tension. Take good care of yourself.

Try to live in the present and stay in the now. You cant change the past and the futures not here yet. Enjoy each moment as it comes.

You will get over your ex. The sooner you start really living again, the sooner youll heal from the hurt youve experienced and be ready to move on. Embrace your life.

Good Luck

Susie - 15437

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