Thursday, March 19, 2009

Useful Cold Sore Tips To Stop Cold Sores!

By Grant Dougan

Cold sores not only cause ugly sores around the lips and mouth, they can also hurt so much that it becomes disabling. To provide welcome pain relief and treat a fresh outbreak, and to prevent new cold sores from occurring, try the following useful cold sore tips.

Let's get started by going over the triggers that cause cold sores.

A virus known as the Herpes Simplex Virus I or HSV I is the root cause of cold sores, also called fever blisters. Don't let the name confuse you ? this virus is completely distinct from the one that causes genital herpes lesions.

HSV I is a chronic virus that is easily passed from one person to another. It is so common that it is present in 80% of the population, and most people get HSV I before they turn seven years old. Once you have the virus, you'll have it for life. Most of the time it remains inactive, until something happens to trigger a cold sore outbreak.

When outbreaks occur, the result is painful and unattractive sores around the mouth and lips. These happen when the normally inactive herpes virus is triggered.

Cold Sore Tips ? Preventing Outbreaks

So, how does the normally inactive HSV I virus become activated? There are a variety of triggers, including:

? Stress ? Poor immune system ? Sickness ? Pregnancy or menstruation ? Injury or irritation of the lips and mouth

Basically, whenever the body's defenses are compromised or the system is overloaded by stress, cold sores can be the result. The simplest way to avoid cold sores is to avoid the triggers that cause them.

In the case of pregnancy or menstrual-related outbreaks, hormonal triggers can't be controlled. Fortunately, there are ways to strengthen the body's defenses.

There are a variety of supplements and widely available products to prevent cold sores. A healthy diet that bolsters the immune system is vitally important, as is preventing injury or severe chapping of the lips. A good, moisturizing lip balm can calm chapped lips and help minimize the risk of cold sore outbreaks.

Cold Sore Tips ? Treatment

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but what happens if you need to soothe the symptoms of a current outbreak?

The cold sore tips below can help you calm the pain of your cold sores:

? Try applying a numbing medicine like lidocaine, benzocaine, benzoyl alcohol, or a product that contains phenol.

? Use an antibiotic ointment to keep the sores from becoming infected.

? A good lip balm should be applied to avoid cracking and scabbing of the open sores.

? Consider taking zinc and lysine supplements. These compounds may allow for faster healing of cold sores. Zinc is also a known immune system support.

The surest way to prevent cold sores is by taking care of yourself with a whole-foods diet, exercise, and good supplement program that keeps your immune system strong and healthy. Sleep well, and make sure you learn to deal effectively with stress.

While the best course of action is a good prevention plan, if you do end up with a cold sore breakout, use these simple cold sore tips to help soothe your discomfort and end your breakout faster. - 15437

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