Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The How To Of Self Empowerment

By Laura Brighton

We all know a person who is just a natural at being friendly. They go by many names, but are more commonly known as a people-person. The reason that these people-persons can achieve so much success is because of the people that help them get there.

People persons have made so many friends in everything they do that they know a bunch of people that can help them. And because he has so many friends, he has a lot of help. With that much help from friends, he can accomplish almost anything. The power of being social is incredible!

See, if you know your social skills and you make use of them, you will reach self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is making a general overhaul in your life and turning yourself into a happier and more successful person.If you can be one of those people-persons, then I can't see any reason why you will not succeed. You just have to know how to start.

A good place to start is by being genuine. Being a hypocrite will only be a bad thing. You need to be truly interested in other peoples troubles. If you are being a hypocrite and people catch on to that, you can pretty much kiss the self empowerment goodbye.

Another good practice is to just laugh out loud. This does not mean to force yourself to laugh at something that isnt funny. This just means relaxing a little bit more and finding the humor in lifes challenges. Im sure you have noticed that people with a good sense of humor not only attract people, but success too.

Kindness is also an important step on your way to self empowerment. This doesnt mean breaking the bank to be charitable, but know when not to be a tight wad too. And work on helping people in there everyday lives. I remember being younger and the whole world just seemed like a better place. Maybe you should work on trying to be like a child.

Track down some old buddies of yours. In todays world, finding old friends has become a lot easier. You can also go through one of your old yearbooks and maybe find some familiar faces. These people are a good place to start in building up your friendships because they were already your friends at one point.

And your personality will be the last thing I talk about. If someone were to describe you, would they say you were a grump and negative? If so, that is something that you will want to change in a quick hurry. You can change that, but do it now. This will be a big help when it comes time to make new friends. Also, dont forget to build up your confidence and to strengthen your self control. - 15437

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