Thursday, March 19, 2009

AIG prize let Obama fury: a dilemma must recover.

By Professional editor working for

In recent days, the financial storm early last year by the U.S. government desperately Paul down American International Group (AIG) became the world's news headlines: it took the government 172 billion U.S. dollars assistance payments,collapse, it is decided to Corporate Finance Department Products executives to pay the total amount of more than 165 million U.S. dollars in prize money. This message, far more automobile giants CEO three private plane ride to Washington for help were refused, Wells Fargo employees to spend more vacation there is explosive.

Even the President of the United States has always been gentle Obama also denounced the act on the 16th "reckless and greedy", the once angry to the speechless, had to explain, said: "I beg your pardon, I have been speechless with anger." Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said in an interview, AIG acts to allow him several times and even "put phone fell." Ministry of Finance is the United States vowed to AIG to recover the money.

Why is the U.S. government would be so furious?

Worried about the impact of other economic policies

AIG's dividends for the acts, "New York Times" said disclosure, AIG in early 2008 on the want to feel the financial crisis broke out, to this end in time for "No" before the emergency to draw "little treasuries," is aimed at crisis give employees and encourage them to stay. This is quite a people who experience a rainy day on Wall Street Elite's "sense of crisis." According to another report, AIG bonuses alone last year's issuance, on the one to create 73 millionaires.

Reuters analysis pointed out, AIG bonuses for good case for Obama is a big challenge. Since he took office, he has raised 3.55 trillion U.S. dollars of the 2010 fiscal year budget plan and 787 billion U.S. dollars of economic stimulus plan last week, he signed the remainder of fiscal 2009 of 410 billion U.S. dollars budget. In addition, the government will soon launch a spin-off non-performing assets of banks plan - All this means that the taxpayers pockets to pay more. If Obama can not deal with AIG to make appropriate case, the public is bound to its high degree of overall economic policy challenge. As the United States "Time" magazine reported that the House Financial Services Chairman of the Subcommittee, said that "taxpayers do not understand why AIG fell on such a state, do not understand why the Government has to help them."

Some analysts believe that it is difficult once the public outcry died down, Obama will be more difficult to ask Congress to enact related assistance schemes and other economic recovery plan will also be affected. Therefore, Obama and other senior officials working hard to keep a distance from AIG, and to instigate the public that the Government's efforts to solve economic problems have confidence.

At present, the American government aid to the company's dissatisfaction with the deepening of major financial institutions have also gradually rising hostility. "Time" magazine pointed out that although Obama on AIG had severely criticized, but apparently not enough to quell public anger. Net Assessment, a person wrote: "boycott AIG, resist all bonus payments are also companies. Are to pay an additional bonus is higher than the average standard of excellence in performance incentives. These companies must tell the public, each bonus is based on Ho by. "

People's views on the overall economic policy at any time Obama himself into the pressure of public opinion. Now there is no improvement in the U.S. economy, the financial sector is still in the doldrums disease, and people's patience is limited, after all, questioning voices have been more and more strong. According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" message, opinion research company in the United States March 12-15 for the American cable news network (CNN) poll conducted showed that Obama's support rate in February from 76% to 64 percent, from 23 percent opposed to the number increased to 34%.

Obama dilemma

A few days ago, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the government would amend AIG to 30 billion U.S. dollars capital injection plan: If AIG wants to get this aid must be recovered has been rewarded with a payment to the Government 165 million U.S. dollars to compensation for the taxpayer. And Obama also instructed Timothy to seek all legal means of dividends on AIG acts to block.

However, in order to recover the money, but also facing an enormous obstacle. "Wall Street Journal" noted that Washington officials have respect, because bonuses are distributed under the terms of the contract, if the direct religious ties, the return of bonuses to employees, potential litigation lift, of which the Government will face huge legal fees and potential compensation, at any time exceed the amount of bonuses. ABC said that if the employees think the company breach of contract, filed a claim to at least 330 million U.S. dollars, or perhaps the end of the day to pay the Government.

Taiwan's "Economic Daily News," the view that the recovery of 165 million U.S. dollars in prize money is more costly, it is better to be strengthened in the future control of AIG. Moreover, American officials have pointed out that, in accordance with the contract, the Ministry of Finance can not stop the AIG issued a dividend. Such confusion that the plight of Obama: On the one hand, he needed to express emotions empathy nationals exciting, but also need to receive the relief the company's managers and staff to help clean up the current financial chaos. Government officials are worried that AIG and receive the relief the company is too hard-line attitude, possible obstruction of the top financial professionals and institutions to join the Government to help straighten out the financial system, AIG is a feather with this root, prove that they must send money, or else a number of managers leaving one person to reduce the AIG financial products sector will be more difficult to complete the mission.

AIG problem to be solved required time, but more people start to look into the future. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to consider, "the regulator should be given powers to award a pay structure set up at short-term transactions, rather than on long-term performance of the banks be punished." British "Financial Times" on the settlement of this issue is not optimistic, but also pointed out that the Government should set up monitoring can play an active role in:

If we say that shareholders not previously aware of the bank their money home the risks, they have now become very clear. But in any one company, the shareholder owned shares are usually very few bother to go for the bonus Organize protests against the hair, one might think that worth. It's like a large gathering on a bad meal, and looked at the menu, was very clear with the other three, forty individual cost-sharing. Similarly, shareholders are also aware that everyone will point at other steak and champagne when their careful planning is meaningless. And regulators could be developed more discipline - that required the government taking more responsibility. - 15437

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