Friday, March 20, 2009

Getting Back Together with a Boyfriend

By Molly Laws

It is hard when you go through a break up. We are not taught in life what to do or how to handle a break up and no one has written a guide to help us through a breakup. So what is a girl supposed to do to win her ex boyfriend back?

If you want your ex boyfriend back then these 5 simple steps should help achieve your goal:

1. The first thing that you need to do is to clear your mind of all negative thoughts that you have about yourself and the relationship. Stop blaming yourself, instead be strong and be positive that you can still win him back.

Don't let depression keep you down. You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear. Negative thoughts are destructive behavior.

2.Accept that the relationship in its prior form is over. All the wishing in the world isn't going to allow you to go back in time and change the way things happened. You can't let your mind keep wandering into the past.

Keep your mind in the present. Once you acknowledge that the previous relationship wasn?t right then you are on to a new start and a better relationship. It didn?t take one day to end your relationship and it will take more than one to rebuild it.

3. Let your ex boyfriend have some breathing room. Guys are funny and really hate it when they feel that girls are coming on too strong. Let him think of the relationship himself on his own terms. If you really want him back, then let him have this space or you will just turn him away.

This means you shouldn?t call him all the time, no matter how much you want to hear his voice. Don?t send him emails or letters, test messages or anything like that. Let him think about the fact that he may have made a mistake and that he is missing you. If you don?t let him have this space then having a relationship with him again may become even harder.

4. The next step is to make yourself attractive, not only for others or your ex-boyfriend to see, but more importantly, for yourself. Get a new hair do, some new clothes and if you have a few extra pound, begin an exercise program and eat a healthier diet.

Another advantage of rejuvenating yourself is the effect on your emotions and on your mind. Once you realize that you are fine, you would eventually feel nice about yourself and it will make you beautiful inside and out. You will then be happy with yourself and your confidence will have a new booster making other people notice you or better yet, your ex-boyfriend will notice you as well.

5. Last but surely not the least is to take this challenge slowly. Following the previous four steps has probably already lead your ex boyfriend to want make contact with you, especially after seeing the brand new person that came out of step 4. Don?t rush things when he does contact you, because you want the relationship to work this time around.

Just be positive in yourself, keep your appearance top-notch and always look your best and when he?s around he will surely notice and desire to be with you. Remember to keep your distance and once your ex-boyfriend realizes just what it is he has lost he will not hesitate to want you back in his arms again. And when he sees that you aren?t pinning away for him, he will be dying to have you back.

Getting your ex-boyfriend may not be an easy task and the tips will probably be hard for your heart to follow; however, when you come to do follow these tips, they will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back together. - 15437

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