Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Is Omega 3 Oil?

By Riftin Clifford

Omega 3 oil is more generally identified as omega-3 fatty acid, and in scientific terminology as n-3 fatty acid. These are the unsaturated fats, which differs from the other oils that are used in our food as they are saturated and is bad for your health. This oil is found in almost all the oily fish like salmon, mackerel, anchovies, and herring, and in some forms of nuts as well, so we can easily take it in our diet. Flax and eggs could also be taken to supplement the body.

There are thus a number of benefits of eating omega-2 oils. Firstly they reduce the risk of heart problems. People who suffer from blood circulation are helped by the fish oil in their diet, as this improves the blood flow and breaks down the compounds that cause clots. They also aid in reducing blood pressure.

Treatment given to heart patients which included 1 gram of omega 3 oil in their everyday diet for three months, resulted in a reduction of deaths in the patients. There have also been clinical trials that showed that giving this oil to patients resulted in a reduction in the thickness of the arteries, an increase in blood flow, and a reduction in blood sugar levels. Treatment with this oil has also helped decrease cholesterol levels.

Other advantages of Omega-3 oils have also been reported in rheumatoid arthritis patients, in addition to those with cardiac arrhythmias. There is also an indication that shows these oils are helpful for patients who are depressed or undergo anxiety. They are also helpful in reducing the possibility of strokes when taken in moderation; but, excess usage can in reality cause a stroke.

Experiments have also shown that these oils are helpful in preventing cancer. They reduce the growth of tumour, thus helpful in increasing the survival rate. Regular consumption of this oil, either through supplements or including fish in the diet is also known to lessen aggression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Fish oil is also identified to boost up the bodys immune system, hence making the body more resistant to suffering from diseases. It also improves memory, and guards against memory loss.

There are health risks associated with taking omega-3 oil. In case it is taken more than the quantity recommended that is three grams per day, it can cause bleeding in people already taking aspirin, and it can cause a stroke if taken in very large amounts. It is also used to reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients, and by suppressing immune responses it can decrease the bodys resistance to bacteria.

In case you suffer from congestive heart failure or angina, then you should talk to your doctor before taking an omega-3 supplement as it can, in large quantities, reduce the rate of hearts beating, and if the heat already weak it can result in the heart being unable to pump adequate blood throughout the body, which may lead to death.

Omega-3 oil is effectively good for a majority of people; though it is suggested that you talk to your doctor before taking a supplement. - 15437

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