Thursday, March 12, 2009

Using the Four C's to Win Back Love

By Susie Kempton

Maybe you are asking if this is possible, to win back lost love? some people say "Why bother"? but then, I always say that applying some relatively simple principles and putting them into practice you will be well on your way to achieving success and winning back your lost love

if you are left behind because a third party has stepped in to the relationship, or your partner simply wanted "space" there is still a very good chance to recover the situation.

To win your lover back you must first ask yourself these questions before you get to deep

Am I truely broken hearted, or just lonely and bored?

Is this just my pride, or do I feel like Ive lost my better half and my best friend?

Am I prepared to give 100 percent to win my ex back, or should I just move on?

If you are truly heartbroken and feel you have lost the better part of you in the breakup, then you probably will be willing to go through the self-reflection and hard work it is going to take to revive your relationship.

Take a Little Time

To be alone, especially so suddenly, can be crushing, do not panic, reflect on what may help to recover the situation and don't do anything foolish to make the sitaution worse

Regardless of how angry, how hurt or how confused you are, you need to remember that the unit that you used to be has come undone, and its not going to meld back together unless you can open your partners heart once again and find ways to keep it open to you and your love.

Use some of your new found time to:

Take good care of yourself, your health and self-esteem are vital, you are worth it and you must believe in yourself.

The temptation will be to draw back from the world, be aware of the needs of others, make an effort to see your family and friends, perhaps some of those that you may have neglected, so get in touch with them.

Reckless dating, alcohol and any other substance abuse must be avoided, you must let your feelings out and come to terms with them.

Keep a balanced outlook. Get counseling if you need it to stay sane. Try to stay positive. Dont let the lost relationship become your banner.

Make Some Smooth Moves

Four words can sum up your approach: Casual, Caring, Creative and Committed, and applying a little reverse psychology can go a long way.

Casual: Your casual manner is going to be very puzzling to your ex. Being friendly, yet somewhat detached is going to disarm your lover and make them somewhat more vulnerable to you. They have no doubt steeled themselves against the possibility of reconciling. So when you see them and fail to break down, beg or make a stand for your undying love, they are going to wonder why. No games here- just be friendly and somewhat detached. Dont give in to the urge to throw yourself at their feet. Hold off.

Caring: Let them know youre there for them if they need you. Drop off their mail. Drop a compliment. Tell them, regardless of the truth of the matter, that the break up was probably your fault and you understand how they feel. Stop there. Dont rehash. Just say you could have done better. This is probably true- we could all do better. Just dont overdo offers of assistance. And when you are in your exs presence- listen- really listen, before responding.

Creative: Find creative ways to reopen your ex-lovers heart. Put together a picture album of your favorite pictures of them- not you and them. Try to include pictures of happier times. Or remember their birthday with a book by a favorite author. Drop off a CD of a mix of their favorite musical artists. Send them 2 tickets to the ballet or a ballgame. Find ways to show your ex you remember who he or she is, and what they enjoy. Youll be surprised how effective this kind of creative thought and action can be.

Committed: Commit to discovering your mistakes and to doing some soul-searching on how you can improve who you are when in a relationship. Have you been self-centered, thoughtless, or lazy? Were you more concerned with your work or friends? Perhaps you need to commit to being a better listener, better company, and more affectionate. Make a list of needed changes and begin to practice on people you deal with everyday. Youll see how people begin to open to you in new ways after their initial surprise, puzzlement and delight.

If Youre Still Determined to Get Your Love Back

Still interested in reconciling? Give yourself the gift of time. Stay loosely connected to them with casual and creative caring. Commit to self-improvement and keep enjoying your life. You will have moments of intense sadness and frustration, but time is a great healer. Whether you win your ex back or not, you will come out of this ordeal stronger, more attractive to others and probably more able to sustain yourself within a healthy relationship. Either way- its a Win-Win. Good luck!

Susie - 15437

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