Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tips On Having A Colon Detox The Natural Way

By Ann Triune

There are several ways to get a colon detox. However, maintenance is important in keeping our colon healthy. Some individuals get a colon detox during a short period of time and then revert to their usual ways. A better idea would be to maintain a natural colon detox for your body. Read on the find out how you can clean your colon naturally.

First of all, you need to have a good diet. We don't actually realize how much junk we eat. For instance, many foods these days contain preservatives, which aren't really a benefit to our health. All this junk can accumulate and cause us to feel sick.

You need to simply eat more healthy food and less unhealthy food. Eat more fruits, vegetables and grains and avoid eating refined foods for a start. Once you change your eating habits you'll start to feel much better. A lot of the healthy foods contain lots of nutrients as well as fiber. Fiber is important because it keeps our bowels moving during the day and naturally flushes out toxins.

You may completely eliminate dairy products from your diet. Eat twice as many vegetables as you would have in your usual diet. Eat only a matchbox-size piece of meat each time while eating more complex carbohydrates like wheat bread and whole grain cereal. Eat a piece of fruit as a snack throughout the day. These are just some suggestions and you might want to speak with your doctor about them.

The next idea would be to drink sufficient amounts of water daily. Water washes out waste products just as it does with dirt when you wash your hands. It is able to release stools that have hardened overtime and wash them out of the system. 8 glasses of water would be the best idea for a natural colon detox.

Simply switching to a better diet will eliminate constipation, abdominal and rectal pain, and bloating. Moreover, headaches and backaches will also be reduced. A natural colon detox can benefit you more than just physically. It can eliminate exhaustion and depression due to the symptoms of a poor bowel and excessive weight.

Believe it or not, exercise can also act as a natural colon detox. The obvious health benefit exercise provides is the maintenance of a healthy weight. But exercise literally moves your bowels so that toxins are passed through them in a more efficient manner.

Yoga techniques can be a natural colon detox. A number of yoga poses partner with gravity to naturally stimulate movement in the bowel. Moreover, the breathing techniques that go with yoga also naturally stimulate bowel movement. DVDs or classes on basic yoga are great options.

Jump roping is also good for the colon. The act of jumping up and down is known to tighten organs like the intestines. It also gives strength to the lower abs. Your bowels can already benefit from at least 10 minutes of jump roping.

Sit-ups are just as great as a natural colon detox. Sit-ups can encourage bowel movement and help constipation. They can also encourage the blood to flow into the abdominal areas and aid in healing and overall blood circulation.

A natural colon detox has many benefits without the nasty side effects, bowel dependency and high costs. Its benefits include long-term health as opposed to temporary effects. Additional organic supplements can help in speeding up detoxification. - 15437

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