Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tips For Bosses To Maintain High Satisfaction Rating

By Chris Channing

Molding your subordinates into better workers is a tough job: one that takes skill and patience. With the right manager skills and qualities, you can take a team much further than what you ever thought possible. This makes the workplace a more enjoyable place, and bolsters the company's success overall.

The successful boss will delegate power appropriately, and trust workers to get the task handed to them completed in a fair amount of time. There may be many different approaches in solving a problem, so be aware that a worker's method may not be as efficient as your own. Instead of berating, call for a performance review and provide constructive criticism for the worker.

In the event that a manager would not be able to make it to work for some reason or another, he or she should have a "right hand man." It's even better if a manager can outline two or more people who should be turned to in the event that the manager is preoccupied or not at work. This also helps cut down problem solving work for the manager, given that he or she has passed their own skills onto select employees.

Managers who are able to compliment their employees make for the best managers. Handing out positive comments where they are due will help employees with their self esteem, which can equate into more efficient work. It also shows what they are doing best, meaning they can then focus on how to improve other qualities of their work.

Showing your employees appreciation takes the positive comment idea even further. This will build a tight-knit since of belonging, which gives way to extreme loyalty. Remembering birthdays, and perhaps buying a cake, or even stocking one's favorite soda in the employee break room can make a huge impact. You may even try buying everyone in the office lunch several days a month if you are so inclined.

Above all else, the effective manager is going to be able to listen to his or her employees. This doesn't always apply to work-related topics, but things that may be stressing them in their lives. In showing that one can be a good listener, employees return the favor and will listen to commands given to a fuller extent. In creating this new communication method, it also gives way to friendship that can be hard to create in the workforce.

Closing Comments

The process of overturning a poor reputation can take a long time. Try the steps given over a period of several months to see if anything is improved. Odds are that employees will start to show improvement where they are lacking in their character or skill set. - 15437

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