Sunday, March 15, 2009

Quit Smoking Benefits

By Amy Hudson

Though an increasing number of smokers understand the health benefits of defeating a smoking habit, these may not be as clear to individuals who brave the lengthy and difficult task of fighting their cigarette addiction. Indeed, the pros of being smoke-free can seem like abstract and distant notions to one who's suffering from immense nicotine cravings and withdrawal.

If you are trying to kick your smoking habit, stay inspired by bearing in mind the advantages of a smoke-free life. These benefits are absolutely not merely evident in the long term, a number of benefits may actually become apparent in minutes or hours subsequent to quitting. In addition, quitting smoking will not only prove beneficial to your health, but your family and friends as well as the environment in general.

Instantaneous Benefits of Smoking Cessation

The instant benefits of stopping smoking include instantaneous drops of your blood pressure, blood carbon monoxide, and heart rate to healthy and normal levels. Indeed, your body's regenerative process begins in a matter of just hours after stopping smoking.

Furthermore, the news that you've at long last taken steps to fight your smoking addiction will give great pleasure to your friends and family and ease their fears about your health.

Another immediate yet also long-term benefit of smoking cessation is that you stop putting at risk those around you to the health hazards of 2nd hand smoke. Second-hand smoke can trigger numerous serious conditions, such as various lung diseases (asthma, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, among others), heart diseases, sudden death syndrome among newborns, middle ear infections for children, low birth weight in infants whose mothers have been subjected to second hand smoke, breast cancer, among others. The snag in the smoking habit is that you are not only endangering your personal health but likewise that of your closest and dearest. Thus, by stopping smoking, you are in effect protecting yourself and others who are close to you.

Though not a main benefit of kicking the habit, a perceptible improvement in your personal savings can also motivate you. If you compute the amount of money you spend on cigarettes each day, you might soon see that discontinuing this nasty habit saves you money to spend on other things.

Long Term Benefits of Quitting Smoking

In about 1 month after your decision to give up smoking, you will be able to notice other more appreciable advantages. Firstly, you will be able to enjoy easier breathing without any breathing troubles or incessant coughing. This subsequently will allow you to participate in more activities like a sport and outdoor interests, which may otherwise be tiring for an individual with unhealthy lungs. In essence, you will be able to revel inhaling fresh air.

Moreover, kicking the habit will also impact you psychologically. The affirmation that you indeed have the determination and will power to stop smoking will boost your self esteem and confidence. You will also in due course get over your guilt for endangering those you love with the ill repercussions of your habit.

An additional important upside is evident hygiene improvements. Your clothes and body will not reek of tobacco smoke. Your teeth will eventually lose its persistent tobacco stains and seem whiter, making your smile a whole lot brighter.

Indeed, the benefits of kicking your smoking addiction are varied. To experience each of these benefits, you need only take that all encompassing first step. - 15437

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