Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Marriage Advice - A Secret Weapon to Stop Conflict

By Johnnie S Laney

Conflict obviously can begin to damage your marriage. The more conflict, the less love and pleasure the both of you receive. If conflict continues over months or years, it can kill off your marriage. There are lots of courses and classes you can take on how to handle conflict in a healthy way. You can watch Dr Phil and read books and soon learn how to reduce the fighting and arguing in your relationship.

You really can improve the quality of your marriage by learning how to deal with conflict in positive rather than negative ways. It is worth paying attention to. However, is there a way to stop conflict before it ever begins? Is there a way to stop fighting at the source?

There is a way to do this that is powerful, effective, and you dont need to take a class on conflict to do it. Even better, you can put it to use in your marriage to minimize conflict starting just minutes after you finish this article. This method is a secret that almost no one talks about. Are you ready? A remarkable way to stop conflict before it begins is to PLAY MORE with your mate.

Play is the fun secret that can kill conflict before it begins. Conflict and play go hand in hand. The more play in your marriage, the less conflict. Kinda obvious, right? In the beginning you played a lot with your mate. You went to movies, had lots of sex, went dancing. You engaged in all kinds of fun activities. There was lots more play than fighting in the beginning.

But then as our relationship continues we work a lot and have duties and obligations and burdens and kids and the play begins to diminish in our marriage. As it goes away conflict increases.

So to stop fighting at the source start to play with your spouse more on purpose. Have one date night per week where you do something together you both enjoy. Find a few other times during the week to have spontaneous sex, fun or play with your mate. Add play back in with your spouse and observe what happens.

There is a lot more to this, but adding more play into your marriage will improve the quality of your relationship. For some couples it may be a struggle at first, due to all the fighting youve been doing you may not find it easy to relax and start playing again, but that doesnt negate the power of this secret weapon for reducing conflict. Have fun, play some, and see for yourself how your relationship begins to change. - 15437

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