Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do Human Pheromones Really Work?

By Heidi Hall

Have you ever felt an instant connection or "chemistry" with someone? It happens rarely, but if you've felt it you know the power of human pheromones.

It is true that the matter of whether or not human pheromones actually work is a claim that is widely debated. Scientists have known since 1959 that pheromones are at work in all kinds of animals to control all types of social behavior, but until lately there has been no evidence that humans share this trait.

Recently, though, humans have been shown to both produce and respond to pheromones. Both men and women produce these chemicals and respond to them. This all happens at a subconcious level.

For instance, one of the most interesting studies on human pheromones (done at the University of Kentucky) showed that women who were shown pictures of men that had been sprayed with androsterone rated those men as more attractive. Of course when you are viewed as more attractive a whole bunch of things in your life become much, much easier.

To get these chemical scents to work for you, you need to know a few things.

First, there are many different pheromone manufacturers on the market and some are definitely better than others. In fact, some manufactures claim that there products actually contain pheromones when in fact they either contain too little to make a difference, or none at all. Pheromones are completely unregulated, so buy from a trusted source.

Two. Go light on the pheromones. Pheromones are powerful, but more is often not better or more effective. A general rule of thumb to start with is four light sprays of a cologne or perfume and just two drops of an oil to start. You can always increase if you need more.

Last, pheromones aren't magic. Good pheromone products can do amazing things. They can increase your attractiveness, cause people to treat you with more respect, and increase trust and honesty. But they take some getting used to and for most people the effects are clear but subtle. - 15437

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