Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ideas for Unique Wedding Favors

By Aaron H.

Some people take all the fun out of weddings. They think of this event as just a ritual to get through with as much money intact as possible. So they opt for the easiest decorations, the cheapest food, and the least original wedding favors. This article is for those who think of a wedding in a different way. If you want your wedding day to be a real event, something that everyone who attends will truly remember and find special, then we encourage you to offer completely unique wedding favors. These wedding favors that have been provided with some forethought will cause your friends and family to look back on your special day with the same fondness that you do.

"Unique wedding favors?" What exactly makes these special gifts unique? And what gifts make for the best favors? First of all, a guest must find the wedding favors practical and memorable. But you need to go a step beyond that. You want unique wedding favors. This means you need to do something a bit out of step with what others have done. As an example, many of the people you know have probably offered cookies, candies and other edible treats for their wedding guests. But you, in the pursuit of uniqueness, might try something slightly different. Howe about offering candies in a special collectible box, with the couple's name on it? Or maybe you can offer something such as heart-shaped pancake or cookie cutters, or even special packages of cookie dough (Yes, you can find them online). These kinds of unique wedding favors are sure to be remembered and cherished-and used!

Now that you've decided you want to offer unique wedding favors, how do you come up with the perfect idea? For starters, you can speak with wedding planners. You will also find lots of help on wedding related websites. But don't forget your married relatives and friends. They often have a lot of good ideas that you hadn't even considered before. Just remember that the idea is to find something unique, so don't just repeat something that everyone in your family has already done. Instead, keep listening to their suggestions until something lights a spark inside you. Then you might buy wedding favors along the same line, but offering some special twist which is uniquely you.

And of course, spend some time brainstorming on your own. With pen and paper in hand, jot down anything about you and your partner that might be unique enough to present as favors in some way. Also jot down what your wedding theme is. Favors related to the theme are also in line. This way, whenever you give your unique wedding favors to your guests, they will automatically associate it with you and with your special day.

So how much money should you expect to spend on your wedding favors? Believe it or not,not that much! In fact, one of the puzzling things is why people choose over and over to get the same old, worn-out gifts for their guests when unique wedding favors don't cost that much more. Usually you're not going to spend more than a few dollars - perhaps $3 to $5 - per guest. That's quite a bargain compared to other expenses with the wedding...and compared to the memories that you and your loved ones will get from the gifts for the rest of their lives. - 15437

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