Thursday, March 5, 2009

How To Know If Cremation Is Right For You

By Jeff Hammerson

Is cremation right for you? This is a question that I have had people ask me over and over. There are those that wonder if it is an affront to the Christian faith to be cremated. In this article I hope to answer the question is cremation right for you.

Cremation according to the bible: If you look at it from a biblical perspective then I have to tell you that I have never found anything biblical against it. How ever the bible does make reference to the fact that when we pass on we are spirit, in other words it is our soul which leaves and not the physical body.

Taking a hard look at cremation. This question can be asked on two fronts. You may be asking is cremation right for you because you are sitting there planning for your passing so that loved ones do not have to do it. Or you may be asking if cremation is right for you because you having to make those decisions for a loved one who has just passed.

Whatever your reason you do not have to be alone in the decision, there are caring people who plan funerals that can walk with you step by step. If you are planning ahead for yourself it would be a good idea to have family involved. Often times loved ones have a hard time knowing that you will be different then you are now even in death. However it will help if you explain to them that what you are is on the inside not the outside.

The Difference Between Cremation and a Funeral. People have the misconception that funerals of this type cant be just as beautiful as casket funeral; this is simply just not true. If you are worried about financial burden a cremation funeral is usually a lot less expensive than a casket funeral. There are many beautiful types of earns that you can choose from and they are a lot less than a casket.

Cremation also broadens your choices in the types of funerals that you can have. For example, maybe there is a really pretty spot that you are fond of and you would like to be there, you can be. Or perhaps you still would like to be laid to rest with family you can do that to. The important thing to remember when asking the question is cremation right for you is to look at all your options. If you do I believe that you will see that cremation can be a very beautiful part of the passing process. - 15437

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