Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dealing With A Woman's Head Games

By Joseph Matthews

If you've tried to get numbers from enough women, you'll notice that on occasion, one will give you an excuse NOT to give it to you.

Does any of this sound familiar?

"Why don't you give me yours, and I'll call you instead"

"I don't give out my number"

"I lost my phone and my number is disconnected and the dog ate my homework and there was an accident..."

I think you get the picture.

But the funny thing is, later on, if you impress them enough, they will actually OFFER you their number! So why is this? Why do women play head games when you ask for their number?

Understand that women get a LOT of guys asking for their contact information. Because of this, women need to have ways of quickly filtering through and disqualifying the unacceptable candidates.

They need quick, easy ways to figure out if you're either the real deal or a wuss that gives up at the first sign of resistance.

So, here are a few things to remember:

1) An attractive woman is used to being asked for her number quite a bit. She'll have a bunch of men approaching her, so it comes with the territory.

2) If you were a woman who is getting asked for your phone number forty seven times a day, you'd probably make excuses yourself.

3) The excuses, and the push offs like "why don't you give me yours" are great for weeding out the spineless and those lacking persistence to continue.

Whatever you do, don't be the type of guy who just gives into these lame ways women test you. If you're READY for this type of thing in advance, and you KNOW what you're going to say and do when it happens, AND you don't answer with a lame, needy response, you increase your chances of getting the number DRAMATICALLY.

So what should you do when a woman pulls this type of thing with you?


Nothing puts women in a more awkward position than when a man calls her on her lies. This is a great way to build respect and make yourself stand out from the other losers who approach her.

Saying something as simple as:

"C'mon, don't give me that. Just write it down. I promise not to call you 10 times a day."

It's shocking how well these responses work in these situations. They'll allow you to continue strong and improve your results.

Let's face it: Attractive women get a lot of attention. They're not looking for a guy that throws himself at her, and then gives up easily. They're looking for a guy that has all kinds of self confidence, and sees right through her games... to the point where he disarms her and walks away with the digits.

So try and be that guy! - 15437

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