Friday, March 13, 2009

What Should I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back

By Jeremi Hany

Are you feeling frustrated that everything you do seems to push your boyfriend further away? Maybe this is exactly the situation you are stuck in right now? If you are wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back, here are some tips that can help you increase your chances of success.

If you are reading this article right now, it is pretty obvious that you are really serious about rekindling or saving your relationship. However, if you are feeling too anxious to get him back, it may cause you to behave in an inappropriate manner and end up pushing your boyfriend further away instead. This is human nature. People will usually resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is not only pointless, but it will tend to make matter worse.

Perhaps you are calling your ex too much? Perhaps you are writing too many emails? Perhaps you have been sending too many text messages? Perhaps you are trying to make him feel sorry for you? If these are what you have been doing, stop immediately! Doing these things will not help you win your boyfriend back.

So, what should I do to get my ex boyfriend back? You can follow this strategy instead.

You will need to use a completely fresh and new approach. The first step is to cut off all contact with your ex boyfriend for the time being and do your own things instead. Since you won't be contacting your boyfriend during this period, it is a good opportunity for you to focus on improving yourself, instead of focusing on your relationship issues. This can be very challenging and you need to be very discipline so that you will not go back to your old ways.

Most probably, during this period, your boyfriend will experience a shift in how he is feeling about you because you are no longer wooing him. In fact, he may even start to find you mysterious because he is not sure how you are feeling or doing. This can actually work in you favor. You are giving your boyfriend an opportunity to miss you, which will not be possible if you are sticking to him.

Remember, the key to repairing a break up and saving a relationship is to work with human nature rather than against it. You don't want to go against gravity. If you have been wondering how you can win yuor ex boyfriend back, by now, you should have a basic awareness of some of the common mistakes that should be avoided. Once you put this strategy to use, you will be able to restore balance and give your ex the chance to recall why he loved you in the first place.

It is important to keep yourself grounded and not pester him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will recall what makes him love you in the first place. You can also play hard to get but never overdo it. Allow him to make the first move and you will put yourself in an advantageous position. - 15437

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