Monday, March 16, 2009

What Are Natural Cure For Hemorrhoids?

By Sandy Rowde

A lot of people who are suffering from hemorrhoids prefer the more natural treatments in curing their hemorrhoids. One of these very popular and recommendable natural hemorrhoids cure is a healthy change of food diet.


A popular natural cure for hemorrhoids is by including foods rich in fibers in your daily food diet. People are already claiming that fibrous diet can help prevent hemorrhoids. Incorporating fibrous vegetables and fruits such as prunes and other foods rich in fibers such as whole grains and wheat bread in your daily diet will clean the intestines and help in the digestion, decreasing chances of constipation that causes hemorrhoids.

Constipation caused by dry and hard stool is one of the major causes of hemorrhoids. Dry and hard stool causes difficulty in discharging solid wastes and requires extra effort and pressure of the individual's anus area in order to relieve oneself of solid wastes. The extra pressure may cause inflammation and protrusion of the hemorrhoid vessels. When fibrous foods are included in your daily diet, the chances of hard and dry stools are decreased because of the fibers' ability to loosen and soften solid waste. Hemorrhoids patients are recommended to consume at least 40-gram of fiber each day, while 50-gram of fiber per day is ideal for pregnant women especially during their quarter.

Examples of Fibrous Foods

Green leafy vegetables and whole grains are good sources of fibrous foods. Other sources of natural hemorrhoids cure are lentils, cereals like oatmeal and barley, fruits like prunes, beans, and flaxseed. One of the best dietary practices that is also a natural hemorrhoids cure is substituting desserts and sweets with fruits every after meals to help digest the food taken during the meal.

The two types of fibers are 1.) soluble fibers and 2.) insoluble fibers, the latter of which help prevent health problems that are associated with colon and rectal cancer. Our colon and rectum are also body parts which may be affected negatively when we have hemorrhoids.

Another technique of a natural cure for hemorrhoids is self-control. You should refrain from eating processed or canned foods. This kind of foods might be able to satisfy one's palate but, you should remember that this kind of food is difficult to digest and contain preservatives which can contribute to hard, dry stools, and ultimately, constipation.

Avoid foods that don't contain fibers including meat and dairy products. Make it a habit to check food product labels and packaging to make sure that the food you are about to buy does not trigger dry, hard stools and further constipation.


Another natural hemorrhoids cure is by drinking plenty of water a day. Just like fiber foods, water helps in the cleansing of the intestines and for the softness of stool (making it easy for bowel movement). It is recommendable, even those among who do not have hemorrhoids problem, to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. - 15437

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