Friday, March 13, 2009

Stop Smoking Tips

By Amy Hudson

If you have decided to give up smoking, you need to prepare yourself for a long and difficult route ahead. Defeating a smoking habit can be extremely difficult for a majority people, because it involves severe lifestyle changes as well as utmost dedication on your part. But then again, after you have finally kicked your smoking habit, a smoke-free lifestyle can bring in endless new possibilities. The advantages you can get from a smoke-free lifestyle should be your focal points. In this article, we will give some techniques to help you quit smoking:

Avoiding 'Tempting' Situations

Apparently, smoking is typically done in a public setting - for instance, while spending time with coworkers and friends in bars, clubs, coffee shops, and different other public places.

The trick is to stay away from circumstances that can make you want to relapse. For instance, learn how to say no when your peers invite you for a smoking break. Enlighten your colleagues that you've made a decision to quit smoking and that they ought to appreciate this decision.

Though smoking in public places is being frowned upon presently, most clubs/bars still allow this. You might want to stay clear of public spots where you presume a lot of groups are smoking.

In lieu of your everyday pastimes, try healthy activities, like participating in a new sport or hobby.

Make a Plan and Stick with It

Most times, creating your own well-organized quit smoking plan really helps. List down your normal daily cigarette consumption, and then slowly and consistently lower down your consumption in the following days. Clearly, you are supposed to strictly follow through with this plan, regulating the number of cigarette sticks you smoke each day. The transition to a life free of smoking must be smooth but decided. That way, you can avoid the effects of complete nicotine withdrawal while following your gradual smoking cessation plan. Cut down 2-3 two or three cigarette sticks per day for every week. To demonstrate, if your average consumption is 20 each day, try smoking only 18 to 17 cigarettes in the succeeding week, and continue doing this in the succeeding weeks.

Know Your Body

If you are trying to stop smoking, it's extremely crucial for you to be consciously aware of your nicotine cravings. You should be able to acknowledge your cravings so that you will be able to more effectively manage them. Your nicotine craving should not be indulged and will end soon.

Avoiding Certain Beverages

If you regularly smoke while drinking coffee or tea, you must stay away from these beverages within the first few days of smoking cessation. Instead of the regular drinks, go for some water, juices, and different other alternatives.

Managing Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

When you've made up your mind to kick your cigarette addiction, you must be ready for the potential of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The key to conquering such symptoms is accepting that you may experience them. Be patient with yourself, particularly while facing some unpleasant personal crisis moments. In addition, don't be too concerned and be as relaxed as you can be, bearing in mind that stopping smoking is a lengthy process that takes time and patience.

You can apply any or all of the abovementioned methods for smoking cessation until you get rid of your cigarette addiction entirely. In attempting this, always remember that the countless health benefits of a smoke free lifestyle far exceed any unpleasant moments that you may undergo. In the long run, your efforts and sacrifices will make you and your loved ones more happy. - 15437

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