Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Save Your Relationship With These 3 Counterintuitive Techniques

By Jeremi Hany

Getting your ex back is generally not easy, depending on your situation. There is always this worry about making a serious mistakes that will end your relationship forever.

Unfortunately, what feels like the right thing to do, is often wrong. Most times we should follow the 'counterintuitive path'. When we feel like calling is when we should stay cool instead. When we feel like pouring our hearts out is when we should put a lid on it.

Just a quick warning here. Just because you have never seen nor heard these techniques doesn't mean they are not effective. These techniques work very well for many people even in the most difficult situations. You may not feel comfortable using them or may think they are wrong. However, you are still encouraged to keep an open mind.

Counterintuitive Technique #1

The first tactic you want to use is to accept and agree with the fact that your lover has already broken up with you. This is not an easy thing for you to do. Chances are, you will have some internal conflict going on within you. You will have to deal with it before you can accept the break up.

Perhaps, it will help if you understand why you need to accept your break up and why it will help you get back together with your ex. This main reason is that you need to allow your ex a bit of time to miss and respect you again. More probably, your lover is now being upset or angry with you. This is especially true if you have been nagging them to come back to you.

Counter Intuitive Technique 2

The next technique you will be using is to cut off communication with your ex. Now, before you close your browser, stop! This technique is really helpful. It can help you accept your break up and will also show your lover that you are serious this time.

You might be wondering why you should stop contacting your ex. Here are the reasons. First, you are giving your ex time to start missing you again. By then, your ex will also be less upset or mad with you about the break up. Furthermore, you are also giving yourself the time to recover emotionally and mentally. This will give you a clearer mind to think about what you really want. Last but not least, it helps you transit smoothly to the next technique. - 15437

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