Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quit Smoking Naturally

By Amy Hudson

Throughout generations, natural quit smoking techniques have abound and are generally known to be successful. Nonetheless, the outcome varies according to the each particular individual, the severity of the tobacco addiction, and the particular conditions. If you have decided to stop smoking through natural methods, the following are some factors to ponder.

Quitting Cold Turkey

The cold turkey approach can feel harsh and utterly unbearable, but it is categorically effective. While you may suffer from various symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, these are merely transitory. In the following months, after you've effectively endured the worst, you will attain extreme satisfaction from having kicked the smoking habit. The "cold turkey" approach, more than other methods for quitting smoking, necessitates a great deal of commitment and determination.

Gradually Decreasing Your Cigarette Consumption

Gradually decreasing the number of cigarette sticks you smoke each day is likewise powerful as a natural quit smoking method. This may seem more beneficial for those with excellent organization skills, because it entails drafting a personal plan to stop smoking, and then slowly and systematically lessening the number of cigarettes you consume each and every day until you reach a point where you can fully stop smoking.


Another natural stop smoking method is hypnosis, which focuses on producing a state of relaxation and consequently allow your subconscious to face your addiction minus any obstacles that can otherwise be present in a state of wakefulness. Though there are people who debate if this method works, the practice of hypnosis has been verified to achieve significant results.


The process known as meditation is another natural stop smoking way. Like hypnosis, the meditation technique stimulates a relaxed state, hence helping you deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and a number of others. As in a good majority of techniques that are rooted principally on the person's will power, meditation offers a potential of altering your entire lifestyle.

Acupuncture & Laser Therapy

Acupuncture and cold laser therapy are two natural ways to stop smoking that employ more or less the same principles, but use them in differing ways. Both of these methods involve stimulating certain body points to generate a state of relaxation and allow detoxification. In acupuncture, needles are used, whilst laser treatment stimulates through cold laser.

Cigarette Smoke Filters

Cigarette filters block tar and nicotine, and are helpful in kicking the habit. Some brands, like NicoBloc, can be applied on your filters with one or two drops to stop some components, mainly nicotine, from passing through your body. This way, with nicotine not able to pass through, you are able to deal with your addiction.

Homeopathic Methods

Homeopathic methods are another natural means to quit smoking. Homeopathic remedies are focused on the belief that certain substances stimulate the body's defense and healing processed. The purpose is to help the body deal with the effects of withdrawal. For instance, Smoke Deter, which is derived from herb extracts and has various components such as Black Spruce (which fights headaches and nausea), Oat (relaxes your nerves, also used in opium addiction treatment), as well as Ignatia Amara (alleviates treats stress & anxiety).

All of these natural methods to stop smoking can be applied separately or in tandem, and are deemed effective in helping people defeat their smoking addiction and in the long haul circumvent the potential health hazards of their habit. - 15437

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