Monday, March 2, 2009

Cons of Losing Weight Quickly After Being Pregnant

By Ricardo d Argence

A new mother always worries about how to get the pregnancy weight off. The last thing she wants after she's had the baby is for people to think she's still expecting.

You can see fewer women are who are back in size after giving birth with in a month. Have you considered, though, that losing weight so fast may not be the healthy way to do it? Since it took you 9 months to put the weight on why would you think in 9 days it will be gone?

Women who resort to starvation and magic pills are going to do more harm than good. After childbirth, the mind and body can be a hormonal mess. Starving yourself or taking diet pills or laxatives will simply aggravate these effects.

You also need proper nutrition for breastfeeding. Eating too little will cause your breast milk to dry up. Breastfeeding requires an extra 200-500 calories a day. This is one reason the body stores extra fat during pregnancy. The purpose is to fuel the body for producing breast milk. While you may have to consume more calories for breastfeeding, you will also burn up to 500 calories a day by breastfeeding!

Your metabolism slows down a lot when you choose to starve yourself to lose weight. This will cause you to feel sluggish and lethargic. You won't be able to take care of your kids. You should never deprive yourself to lose weight.

It's just too costly for many of us to afford the right team to make us look our best. Personal trainers, stylists and makeup artists are not within most of our budgets! Like what normal people do, we should find healthy ways to lose weight gradually.

The average woman gains approximately 25-30 pounds during pregnancy. The birthing process will often get rid of about half of that. The first tip for getting rid of the rest of that baby fat is to eat a healthy diet. This is also vital if you are breastfeeding. A 2000 calorie diet is ideal.

Moderate exercise can also help regain your pre-baby body, but it should be done carefully and slowly. Allow your body time to heal. Having a baby can be very strenuous on the body. By jumping right back into a vigorous exercise regimen, you are not doing your body any favors.

Do not follow the celebrity trend of getting back to pre-baby weight more quickly than is healthy for you. I know that can be easier said than done, but think of your child. Being happy and healthy is the best way to be a good mother. If you want to achieve your goals than you had to take care of grudging and diet fads. - 15437

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