Friday, March 6, 2009

Approaching Attractive Women In Clubs

By Joseph Matthews

Most of the time, when we go out to enjoy ourselves, and look for women, we'll end up at some sort of club eventually.

We go to clubs to drink, socialize, dance, and generally have an enjoyable time with others. So going to a place like this to meet a woman makes quite a bit of sense.

There are a few things to know and understand about the club scene though.

The first is that you'll be competing with a LOT of different stimulus. There's the loud music, flashing lights, competition from other men, and alcohol.

In situations like this, beautiful women have their guard up. Why? Because they are getting approached a LOT - mostly by guys they don't find attractive or interesting.

More than that, though, is the fact that they have friends around to run interference for them.

Understand that women tend to travel in groups to places like bars and clubs. This is a safety mechanism, because they need friends around to make sure they're not raped or accosted.

So taking all this into account, hooking up with a girl at a club becomes a much more daunting task than one would normally think!

However, it's not impossible. If you REALLY want to meet attractive women in these places, you just need to step your game up quite a bit to deal with things that stack the odds against you.

First, you need to understand the stimulus that is present in the club. Say you are dancing, and the music is just blaring. You can't hear a thing. You'll have to rely on your body language to support you here.

Instead of trying to shout "would you like to dance?" over the blaring music, try locking eyes with her, and motioning with you finger to come over, smiling confidently. It's far more effective.

When it comes to club hook-ups, 90% of the battle is keeping other men at bay once you've zeroed in on the girl you like. If she has guys in her group, try and befriend them and win their approval. If guys are coming up trying to ruin your chances, you have to pull your girl away from them and make it clear to the guy that he's stepping on your territory.

But the biggest lesson to be aware of when appraching beautiful women in clubs is to be social enough to engage her entire group of friends.

This is VERY important.

What will usually happen is a guy will approach a girl, ignore her friends, and then after putting in a great deal of time and effort, the friends will come in at the last minute and drag the girl away!

Remember - friends are there to PROTECT each other. So if you don't engage the girl's group and let them get to know you and approve of you, you are going to have a very hard time closing the deal!

You also need to be very aggressive in a club scene. Try hard to get the girl to leave the club with you and go somewhere else where you can begin to build attraction with her (assuming you haven't done so in the club already).

If you can't get her out of the club, get her number. But be aware - unless the girl really likes you, you'll probably never get a call back. Girls may be outgoing and adventurous in the club, but once they're back home and the alcohol has worn off, they may not even remember who you are, let alone be up for going out with you!

Clubs aren't the easiest place to hook up in, but don't let that bother you. Just go enjoy yourself, and focus on that. If you are out enough, a hook up will happen eventually, while you are having a good time. - 15437

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