Friday, March 20, 2009

Over 50, Lonely And Seeking Friends

By Robert Barra-Hayes

The Internet has become a way of maintaining contact with the outside world for many people. This may be especially true for the older generation. Many may be home a lot of time either due to an infirmity or caring for a spouse or loved one that is housebound. This is a way they can keep an outside link. There are many chat rooms for seniors as well as those that are open to anyone. It may be comfortable for some older adults to talk with people of their own age.

Be Aware of the Dangers

However, one thing they must be aware of when it comes to chat rooms are those who peruse these websites looking for unsuspecting victims. The dangers of chat rooms should be one thing everyone educates themselves on before joining one. There are many that are perfectly safe, but knowing what to watch for can help you to avoid becoming a victim.

A few safety rules when joining a chat room can help to keep this an enjoyable place for you to go and meet new friends. The main thing to remember when joining a chat room is to never give your address or any other personal information online. Even if the person you are giving it to is only interested in friendship, you are putting your personal information out there for anyone to see. If someone asks for this personal information this should immediately set off some warning bells. Why would they be interested in knowing your information?

Many times a seemingly innocent friendship has resulted in problems for those who are too trusting. Treat anyone you talk to online as a potential threat when it comes to information they could use to gain access to your bank accounts, home address, daily schedule or any assets you own. There are people who may impress you as being caring and concerned but they are good at doing this. It is how they gain trust.

People have lost their entire life savings because they trusted someone who they met online. Its actually not as difficult as you may think for a scam artist to get access to your bank account using some of your personal information. These criminals are professionals at what they do, so be very careful " they will use some very clever means to try to get your information. Lonely senior citizens who have no nearby family or friends are often targets for these scammers, which makes it especially important for the older generation to be cautious online.

Choosing Safe Chat Rooms

People over the age of 50 may find that a safe chat room; one which monitors the profiles of its users and has safety systems in use is the best way to go. Of course, you should always do some research into the chat room to make sure that it is reputable " a good chat room can be just what older people who have limited opportunities to socialize elsewhere need.

In the situation of an older person who is caring for an infirm spouse or family member full time, they may have very little time to get out and about, leaving them little time for friends. However, chatrooms offer these people the opportunity to engage in conversation with others; something which is a welcome break from caring for their family members.

In fact, they may be able to speak with others who are in a similar situation and give each other emotional support. It can be extremely helpful to speak with someone else who is in the same situation as yourself.

Another situation may be an elderly person who has no one to talk to or visit. They may be miles away from their family. Their husband or wife may have already passed on and they may be lonely. This is a great way for them to meet people their own age and with whom they have things in common. For some, this could be the highlight of their day. They may look forward to the time they spend on the Internet talking with friends they have made in a chat room.

For young and old alike, chat rooms are a totally new way to interact with other people all over the world and make friends who share their interests. A safe chat room is a great way to take advantage of this opportunity to socialize with your own age group and make some new friends who share your interests! - 15437

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Flirting Without Words, Part 1

By Joseph Matthews

Recently I wrote that verbal flirting is just a small portion of overall flirting.

And I meant it. Unfortunately, a good portion of men don't understand this, and they blow it before they even speak to a woman.

So we need to make sure that doesn't happen to you. Let's take a look at some parts of the equation of flirting here.

Generally, flirting starts with eye contact.

So say you look at a girl, and she looks directly back at you. Wow, that can be uncomfortable huh? That depends entirely on you and how you feel about yourself.

If you feel good about yourself, then this is exhilarating. If that's not the case, it can be really scary.

Let's just say you are comfortable with yourself. The rush happens, and she holds the gaze a bit too long. This generally is a good sign.

If she doesn't meet your gaze, then it probably means she's not interested. Or, it could mean she's very shy or insecure in her surroundings. Many people are intimidated by large clubs. She might be.

Take a look and see how she's reacting to others. If she isn't making eye contact, then she might just be that way.

Going forward, let's see what she does with the eye contact. Does she break it, but look again quickly? That's a good sign, but don't be in a hurry to go talk.

If she smiles, it's a VERY good sign!

Before you rush in and start looking for the signs, take some time to learn this process. Often, we'll have the wrong of it when starting something new, as we have an idea of how these situations work, but don't really know them. Take the time to learn about this.

Sometimes, you'll get a full on stare and smile, but when you arrive, you'll get a cold response. This is NOT your fault, so don't think you did something wrong.

What happened there? I can't say, but I can make an educated guess based on the surroundings. Sometimes women are incorrigible flirts who are actually in a relationship. They just like the thrill of flirting, and their men don't mind. And so on and so forth.

Take a positive position with what you did. That's the key to success throughout the flirting stage.

Once you reach the flirtee, you should initiate the conversation. You know she's at least interested in speaking to you, so don't worry about "blowing it". That will only lead to a self fulfilling prophecy.

After the introduction, when you start to speak, there is an interaction between you and her that is natural, and is accepted almost universally. Once you begin speaking, eye contact will be broken by the speaker, looking back when it feels natural. Overall, when you are speaking, you'll be looking at her half the time, give or take. Keep it short, as this is bantering, and gaze at her when you are done speaking. That's the cue for her to talk.

At that point, she'll more than likely respond the same way. Now, when she is speaking, glance at her more than you were while talking. This shows you are interested in what she is saying. Make the looks brief, but you should be looking at her about two thirds of the time while she's talking.

It does require some practice. Put in your hours though, and you'll be able to use your eyes as well as any pickup artist out there. And it will definitely change your perspective on flirting!

Coming soon, I'll have more articles to broaden your perspective of non verbal flirting. Thanks for reading! - 15437

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Getting Past Loneliness

By Joseph Matthews

Let's face it - being lonely sucks!

Not many people like being alone. We're social creatures that mostly display an aversion for being alone. I think all of us seek love.

However, thanks to the advent of television and the internet, more and more of us are lacking any real human contact because we no longer have to leave the house to get our information, entertainment, or even our "social" fixes.

Because of this, our ability to socialize can become greatly impaired. We suddenly don't want to go out in the world. We don't know how to meet new people. Even in a large city of millions of people, no one really knows how to meet each other.

So we go on being lonely, and feeling helpless about our situations.

But the fact of the matter is we are NOT helpless! Being lonely is not something that is forced on us, it's something we choose to experience because we do not make the effort necessary to escape it.

Here are a few things you can do right away to stop being lonely and start filling your life with new and interesting people.

1. Get out of the house!

All too often, people are lonely because they spend too much time ALONE. They are content to whittle away the hours of the day by watching TV or reading a book, or doing laundry. That's not to say you shouldn't do these things, but staying inside your home all day will do nothing to help you meet people.

You should set aside some time - every day if you can - to get out of the house and go somewhere there are other people. It doesn't matter if it's a mall, a sporting event, a trip to the grocery store, or whatever. Just get out there!

2. Talk to people!

Getting out of the house is one thing; getting out the house to meet other people is completely different.

Failure to interact with others is no more productive than staying home and reading a book. If you go out to a club and stand in the corner by yourself the whole night, that is exactly what you are doing.

If you want to meet new people, you have to TALK to them! There is no way around this.

Talk to both guys and girls, just to get warmed up. The more people you talk to, the easier it becomes.

3. Get contact information

Once you meet people, it's important to get their phone number or email address - it doesn't matter what as long as you get some way to communicate with them in the future!

Talking to people will only get you so far. You'll have met them for the night. But you want to build up a social circle around you so that you always have great people in your life.

When you meet someone you like and want to be friends with or want to date, do not be afraid to get their contact information so you can talk with them again!

4. Follow up

After you meet someone, don't just move on and forget about them. Contact them again! Talk on the phone. Find some time to hang out. Go to a movie. Go to a bar. Go out to eat.

Follow up and hang out. The more time you spend with someone, the quicker you build a relationship with them.

The key to eliminate loneliness is by having a lot of relationships. The more relationships, the less lonely you'll be.

Always be meeting new people and develop new relationships. Have fun! Get to know someone new. Before long, you'll have so many great people in your life, you won't remember what it was like to be lonely. - 15437

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Make own Biodiesel

By Marcus Parker

Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel, has a number of benefits, but the biggest plus point should be the fact that anyone can make Biodiesel at home. Imagine being able to make your fuel for your vehicle or even power your entire home with the energy you created in your garage? That would translate into quite a lot of savings for you.

It can be quite easy when it comes to making Biodiesel. If you can, it is a great idea to get involved in making your own Biodiesel because you get to save more money when you use Biodiesel that is made from your home.

Looking at the Supplies to Making Biodiesel

To produce a small volume of Biodiesel at home, you only need a few sets of inputs The production of Biodiesel requires the actual ingredients alcohol substance, lye and vegetable oil. Mixing the fuel requires some input supplies: empty plastic bottles, duct tape, a blender and measuring cups. Be sure anything used for Biodiesel production is exclusively for that purpose and throw such inputs away for cooking ingredients.

Once you have gathered your supplies, you can proceed in learning the procedure to make Biodiesel

Safe Procedure

Making Biodiesel is a not hazardous. Running the risk of inviting fire or explosion is minimal. In fact, the only major area of concern, as far as safety, getting hurt due to flames. Make the temperature in your mixing procedure tolerable.

You will go through the easy process of making Biodiesel which involves blending the inputs, allowing it to settle, breaking up the byproduct and Biodiesel and then purifying the Biodiesel. The production process can take place in a few days or weeks. That depends on how clean your vegetable oil was to start with.

Small or Large Scale

Yields in Biodiesel production can be small scale or large scale. Biodiesel kits are great if you want to make a few gallons of Biodiesel at a time. If you regularly use your lawnmower or similar equipments then A Biodiesel kit makes sense. It is not difficult to use and will entail minimal inputs.

If you are after more production of Biodiesl like for fueling your automobile, you have to invest on a Biodiesel processor. This simplifies the process, so you can increase your level of production. With a processor you will need some more supplies but you can be more productive in making Biodiesel since iterative tasks can be handled by the processor. - 15437

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Unemployment written knowledge put insist on British allocations blocked down 1.4%

By Professional editor working for

Beijing early morning of March 19, the United Kingdom stock market closed down a modest, pessimistic blame unemployment data for Rio Tinto and aluminum trading prospects and Shell are also concerns about long-term growth investor mind intrusive.

As of Wednesday afternoon London time, 4:30 (Beijing Thursday 0:30), the British allocation of the overall conditions vane: FTSE 100 index plummeted 52.11 points to plug at 3804.99 points, or 1.4%. The index was a humble early gains, but gains access to dissipate afterwards midday. Continental Europe, the Frankfurt and Paris stock markets higher the stock market fell.

UK National Statistics Office advertised that, as showed by ILO benchmarks, in November last year to January this year, three months of redundancy in the United Kingdom a total of 2,030,000 staff, the redundancy rate advanced to 6.5%. Compared with the earlier three months, the United Kingdom inhabitants 165,000 out of work, the redundancy rate advanced 0.5 percentage points.

UK February the number of people applying for unemployment benefits than the 138,400 increase in January to 1,390,000, the former record month or historical record. Prior to this, economists on average expected to apply for relief will increase the number of 87,500.

Bank of Scotland Financial analyst Adam - Chester (Adam Chester) said: "If we declare that there are still some uncertainties before, today liberated the redundancy written knowledge and this month the midpoint bank's monetary guideline group in charge (MPC) assembly of the memorandum will confirm the United Kingdom economic procedure recession has moved into a appalling new point in time, monetary guideline will in addition accompany in a new era. "

It is reported that the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority (FSA) intended fresh laws to sell with the credit crunch. FSA, a blueprint is the introduction of the fresh funds and liquidity qualifications, restrictions on possession of the importing activities.

And adverse financial lesson the negatively, the field of commercial services industry reported several positive news. Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Chairman Philip - Hampton (Philip Hampton) in the "Financial Times" said in an interview that the RBS headquarters in Edinburgh early in 2009 from corporate banking benefited from the growth in activity.

United Kingdom - South African life indemnity enterprise of Old Mutual allocations went up 2.5%. Earlier, when the financial gathering resolved to close the offshore enterprise of the United States Life Insurance Department.

Rio Tinto (RTP) allocations plummeted 6.8%. Investors concerned that the Australian federal to prevent possible Rio Tinto Alcan and China 19.5 billion U.S. dollars value of financing transactions, and whether so Rio Tinto may be coerced to matter deserve or a discounted price to sell allocations to existing shareholders.

Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A) allocations plunged by 3.3%. Shell securities on more than the analyst assembly held Tuesday responded. Citigroup advertised that Shell's store grading from "buy" down to "hold." Citigroup analysts incisive out that Shell's fiscal recital next year will be to slice capital expenditure tempo and predictability of a constricted measure of repression.

Macquarie Securities analysts said they found that Shell will yield the looked frontwards to time-frame from "long-term" to "2012," Shell is being postponed in scenery of some of the ventures less bewitching, which possibly means that after the 2012 Shell end wares will drop.

Venture Production's allocations soared 27%. Centrica sooner to 239 million pounds the price of acquisition of the gas producer 22 per cent stake. Centrica also said that the next possible acquisition reference VP. Centrica's allocations rose slightly via 0.3%. Construction corporation Balfour Beatty's allocations plummeted 2.1%.

FTSE 100 Index constituent stores in augmentation, SIG's allocations plunged 3.8%. The top cover of the United Kingdom supplier advertised that it would trade 341 million pounds worth of allocations, charge at the finishing charge Tuesday of 71%. SIG in addition said that the last quarter yield plunged to 86,200,000 from 6,300,000. - 15437

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Getting Back Together with a Boyfriend

By Molly Laws

It is hard when you go through a break up. We are not taught in life what to do or how to handle a break up and no one has written a guide to help us through a breakup. So what is a girl supposed to do to win her ex boyfriend back?

If you want your ex boyfriend back then these 5 simple steps should help achieve your goal:

1. The first thing that you need to do is to clear your mind of all negative thoughts that you have about yourself and the relationship. Stop blaming yourself, instead be strong and be positive that you can still win him back.

Don't let depression keep you down. You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear. Negative thoughts are destructive behavior.

2.Accept that the relationship in its prior form is over. All the wishing in the world isn't going to allow you to go back in time and change the way things happened. You can't let your mind keep wandering into the past.

Keep your mind in the present. Once you acknowledge that the previous relationship wasn?t right then you are on to a new start and a better relationship. It didn?t take one day to end your relationship and it will take more than one to rebuild it.

3. Let your ex boyfriend have some breathing room. Guys are funny and really hate it when they feel that girls are coming on too strong. Let him think of the relationship himself on his own terms. If you really want him back, then let him have this space or you will just turn him away.

This means you shouldn?t call him all the time, no matter how much you want to hear his voice. Don?t send him emails or letters, test messages or anything like that. Let him think about the fact that he may have made a mistake and that he is missing you. If you don?t let him have this space then having a relationship with him again may become even harder.

4. The next step is to make yourself attractive, not only for others or your ex-boyfriend to see, but more importantly, for yourself. Get a new hair do, some new clothes and if you have a few extra pound, begin an exercise program and eat a healthier diet.

Another advantage of rejuvenating yourself is the effect on your emotions and on your mind. Once you realize that you are fine, you would eventually feel nice about yourself and it will make you beautiful inside and out. You will then be happy with yourself and your confidence will have a new booster making other people notice you or better yet, your ex-boyfriend will notice you as well.

5. Last but surely not the least is to take this challenge slowly. Following the previous four steps has probably already lead your ex boyfriend to want make contact with you, especially after seeing the brand new person that came out of step 4. Don?t rush things when he does contact you, because you want the relationship to work this time around.

Just be positive in yourself, keep your appearance top-notch and always look your best and when he?s around he will surely notice and desire to be with you. Remember to keep your distance and once your ex-boyfriend realizes just what it is he has lost he will not hesitate to want you back in his arms again. And when he sees that you aren?t pinning away for him, he will be dying to have you back.

Getting your ex-boyfriend may not be an easy task and the tips will probably be hard for your heart to follow; however, when you come to do follow these tips, they will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back together. - 15437

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5 Actions That Jerks Take To Get Women, Part 2

By Joseph Matthews

Part 2 in a 2 part series.

4. Jerks are honest about what they want.

A Jerk will approach a woman with no intention of hiding his desires. He will flirt, lust after her, and try to get her in bed that night.

The woman he's after knows immediately what he wants, and by making it so clear, he puts the ball in her court.

If not, the Jerk moves on and finds another girl. If so, then the Jerk takes her by the hand and drags her off.

This type of honesty is actually appreciated by women. In contrast, you have the nice guys who try and fly under the radar by being an asexual "friend." He hangs out, listens to the girl's problems, tries to help her when she needs it, and then all of a sudden, he springs the fact on her that he's deeply in love!

And the girl FREAKS OUT.

The reason for this is that the "nice guy," in trying to not get rejected quickly by misrepresenting his intentions, has basically built a relationship with the girl based on LIES.

And because of that, the girl has already pegged him as a "friend."

So when the guy wants to be "more than friends," the girl feels betrayed, because she's become accustomed to thinking of him in a certain way, and now he's demanding she look at him differently.

(Not surprisingly, shortly after this happens, most girls even stop being "friends" with the guy!)

Nice guys should make their intentions clear from the start. Flirt with a girl. Let her know you like her and want to date her! If she rejects you, move on until you find a girl who likes what you have to offer.

That's what the Jerks do, and it works out great for them!

5. Jerk's guard their self esteem

Often times, a nice guy will get rejected by a girl, and it will send him into a depressive spiral. His self esteem will drop, he'll get depressed and will shut himself in for the night.

Jerk's don't suffer from this problem. They safeguard their self-esteem viciously, and don't allow rejection to get them down.

This is why Jerks are Jerks! Because they will completely IGNORE rejection, and even go so far as to put down and ridicule other people to make themselves feel more important than they are.

This constant guarding of their self esteem allows them to keep pursuing their goals by not allowing them to fall into a funk of depression.

And no matter how you cut it - a guy with high self esteem is always way more attractive to women than a depressed loser.

For the average nice guy, it's important not to take rejection personally. If a girl isn't into you, it doesn't mean you're not attractive, or cool, or interesting - it just means that girl isn't right for you!

So you keep looking for one that is, and you don't stop until you find her.

Rejection can be a hard thing for anyone to deal with. But remember to keep a positive outlook. Instead of seeing it as "losing a girl," think of it like "I just eliminated a girl who'd have wasted my time if I pursued her."

You don't need to ridicule or bad mouth others to feel good about yourself like Jerks do, but you should protect your self esteem as viciously as possible, because that will keep you going.

Understand - picking up women is a numbers game. The more women you meet, the more likely it is you'll get one! Jerk's succeed due to their tenacity and ability to play the numbers. Nice guys go for one or two women a night while Jerks hit up 20-30.

And it's these five traits that allow them to do that!

You don't need to be a jerk, or even fully act like a jerk, to get women. You just need to dedicate yourself to going after what you want. - 15437

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