Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pet Photography - Capture A Special Moment In Time

By Ishmail Johansen

Our pets are truly unique beings, all of whom have their own special places in the lives of our families. These special friends really are family members, whether they're dogs and cats or more unusual animals like ferrets, rabbits, snakes or birds.

Pet photography is one excellent method of capturing those special moments with your pet, just like you'd capture moments with the people in your family. We all want to be able to look back on these incredible images and remember them for years, even after our pets get old or pass on.

Animals can play an incredible role in our lives, even acting as role models for us. Not sure about that? Think about the unconditional love, patience, affection and joy in playtime that a dog has to offer. She's really got something to show us.

Cats are sophisticated and wise, and they know that it's important to take just a little time out of every day to have a nap and ignore all the problems that are stressing you out. We should all emulate the cat and spend a little time on ourselves and the people we love the most.

It's not just dogs and cats that have things to teach us, either. Your horse can show you how to feel free and run with the wind. Your rats can tell you that life is a whole new adventure to be explored.

Pet photography can be the thing that helps you capture the essence of your pets and the special relationship you have with them. Each time you look at that incredible photograph, you'll remember the joy and fulfillment you get from these wonderful animals. Every family should have a pet.

Even the most loyal pet presents some photographic challenges, however. That's because it's pretty hard to tell, your dog, horse, cat or rabbit that what needs to happen now is standing still for a picture. Most pets are either excited or nervous about new people.

This is why it's vital to make sure that the photographer you choose is someone who has experience with animal photography. The right person can help convince your pet to do what they need to in order to get the picture, will be hard to frustrate, and should be willing to take all the shots needed to get the right photo.

Choose photographs of your pets alone in their favorite environment or in a carefully chosen setting, or get the whole family in on it and take a group image or two. No matter which option you choose, you'll be choosing a great way to celebrate your relationship with your pets.

Pets may not look the same, but no one can deny that they have a special place in our lives and in our families. If you want to be sure you preserve your special moments with your pet, take the time to arrange for quality pet photography and celebrate your special bond together. You'll be glad you did. - 15437

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