Friday, February 27, 2009

Finding And Dating A Sugar Momma

By Joseph Matthews

On the outside, a sugar momma can seem like a dream come true. And if you aren't wealthy, somewhat of a life saver. Finding them has become far easier, with websites that are shamelessly based on this type of dating.

Getting one isn't so simple though. And even if you are successful, you have to understand that the rules are different than normal dating. Here's a few ideas that can help you with all of this.

The first thing you need to realize is that you are being objectified. Cutting through any thoughts you might have of some raging feminist, let's take a look at what that results in: a role reversal of sorts. These women know exactly what they want, and you had better fit the bill. So if you aren't young, decent looking, and in reasonable shape, you'll have a hard time finding success. Think of the dirty old man dating the 18 year old girl. Now imagine you are the 18 year old. In this situation, you are valued for what you bring to the table physically.

So you fit this bill. Lucky you! Now you have to remember to show your value constantly. You are offering these women something of value - youth, energy, and good looks. And you expect the best. They will drag you down very fast if this is in question. Be up front about what you will and will not put up with. She is used to owning things. Make sure she doesn't see you as something she owns.

Conversely, you need to be prepared to hold up that end of the bargain. Sometimes... this isn't easy. Are you willing to forgive some flaws in the looks category if she is willing to cough up a lot of money? Sometimes you get lucky, and find a really attractive older woman. Generally speaking, they are alone for a reason.

There can be all sorts of reasons for this. She could have a bad temper. She could be a widow. Or she could be getting past a rough divorce. Odds are, you are dealing with someone with a fragile ego. Be cautious. If things get ugly, you could end up dealing with the wrath of an irrational, emotionally wounded creature that could make your life very difficult. And you won't be have the benefit a woman would have in this case. If you get beat up, you might not have any recourse. So treat her feelings respectfully, and handle any issues with some grace and dignity. When it comes time to break it off, make sure she knows it's not about her looks, even if it is.

Moving on, let's look at what you need to bring aside from yourself. Aside from a practiced set of manners, impeccable grooming and style, you'll want to play into her romantic ideals. Go beyond the call of duty and offer her a sense of adventure, spontaneity, and romance. You aren't just offering a physical toy, you should attempt to transform her world when you are in it. Simple enough, but it isn't easy. It takes some work and a sense of attentiveness.

Given all this... why would you want to date someone like this? Is it at all rewarding? The answer is a resounding yes! If you are lucky enough to find an attractive one, that is great! She'll also offer you, aside from financial relief, a lover who will, more than likely, be your superior. A woman's libido is heightened as she gets older. Couple that with her experience, and you could be in for a really fun time. Add in the fact that you'll probably be VERY well pampered and be able to experience things you never thought you would be able to afford. And who knows, this might actually grow into a good relationship.

If you feel like you make the cut and can handle the above, go ahead. Just remember, use caution, and handle thing with a sense of grace. It will be a rewarding experience. - 15437

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