Saturday, February 28, 2009

Origins of the Book Club

By Deniss Durrell

Oprah has made them a cultural phenomenon. With her book club she has brought the joy of reading to the forefront and has publicized new authors and books in a way that has until now never been accomplished. But what exactly is a book club?

Basically, a book club is a group of individuals who set up a meeting to argue literature. These people like to have passionate debate about literary topic or messages within the books. They like to talk about what they loved or not liked about a book.

For most book clubs they are based all of the members reading one book at the similar time. The members choose the book that they are going to argue they put out how several they need to read prior to their next meeting.

While they gather, they will discuss the progress of the characters and the story. Present is no set spot on where a Book Club will meet.

Though , a few of the other regular meeting location are a member's apartment, local coffee shop, or even your local library. It is a fantastic way to widen your mind by searching special stories and types of literature even as also getting to have cool conversation and create excellent connection with friends who are involved in the identical types of books that you are. - 15437

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