Thursday, February 26, 2009

Finding A Date With Your Native American Soul Mate

By Eagle Vale Dances With Eagles Dancing With Eagles 3 Eagles David Raets David Baker

Recent demographic trends indicate that single native americans are finding it more difficult to meet other first nations singles. In response to the problems encountered by those who want to meet other native american singles, a few First Nations dating communities are gaining in popularity; native singles are now finding it easier to meet others with whom they share interests and common backgrounds.

Current First Nation laws in Canada prevent couples from passing on their status rights to their children if one of the parents is a non-member. In other words, if you are legally considered to be " status, your children will not benefit from status in such a union.

A recent study conducted in Alderville First Nation revealed that 80% of the members married non-members. The study concluded that if these trends continue unabated, 2032 is the last year that Status Indian children will be born in Alderville.

Although the study was limited to Alderville, odds are that other small bands have members who are similarly inclined. The wide separation of First Nations peoples, and the fact that numbers are small to begin with, makes it hard to see how the less-populated bands will continue unless aboriginal singles find methods for easily meeting other single native american women and men.

The outlook is not bleak. There are millions of native american singles scattered across the North American continent. Consequently, there is plenty of opportunity for members to date other Native American singles. While this was previously a difficult proposition, the rise of the internet and specialized online communities makes it much simpler.

First nations people do not recognize geopolitical borders and neither does the online community. The internet is doing what was previously impractical: bringing together first nations singles from the far-flung reaches of the continent for the purposes of enabling them to get to know each other at online aboriginal dating communities.

Thanks to the versatility inherent in the online community, native american singles are not limited to Pow Wows when it comes to meeting other indigenous singles. Personal profiles, photographs, chat rooms, and IMs all combine to provide opportunities to meet and get to know people, no matter the location.

For all sorts of people across Canada and the US, online dating is working miracles. Whether near or far, people are meeting in a safe environment where they can get to know each other without pressure. In that regard, aboriginal dating sites are no different, but their focus on native singles dating makes them special. - 15437

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