Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Anti-Aging Diet Care

By Marianna Pells

As a result perhaps of the media and the common perception that youth is beauty, more and more people are getting conscious of how they look these days. Consequently, more and more anti aging diet care methods are arising to keep up with this demand. However, if you are to get the most out of these anti aging diet care methods that promise the results you want, you will have to do more than enter into an anti aging diet care method. If you want lasting results, you will have to look into other health concerns such as calorie and fluid intake as well as a healthy lifestyle.

Studies have shown that reducing foods with high calorie is one of the best first step to start in the fight against aging. High calorie in our body can increase the risks of health diseases which are mostly associated with aging. Thus, reduced calorie in our body will mean reduced chances of developing diseases and deficiencies that come along with age.

Studies conducted on the relationship between aging and calorie intake shows that people in their 50s with restricted calorie intake have blood pressures of a ten-year old, are more physically active and have lesser chances of getting heart failures and hypertension. The same laboratory experiment conducted on animals also show the same positive results.

Furthermore, the Hormesis Hypothesis of calorie restriction suggests that controlled calorie intake lowers stress levels that cause aging. It explains that animals are able to live longer because calorie restriction induces a defense mechanism that helps them survive.

Other than reducing calorie intake, one effective way of aiding any anti-aging diet care method is having good health food diet. A healthy food diet should include a well-balanced diet and a daily or regular dose of fruits and vegetables as these contain anti-aging properties. Below are also some of the more examples of food that will aid you in your fight against aging:

Berries - These are rich in flavanoids, antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging cells.

Avocados - Avocados contain potassium that regulates high blood pressure. It also contains monounsaturated fat which can help lower the bad cholesterol in your body as well as Vitamin E which is necessary in replacing dead skin cells.

Nuts - Nuts are good sources of minerals and protein which help build up or repair body cells and help strengthen the digestive and immune system.

Garlic - Garlics are known to reduce risks of heart failures.

Cruciferous vegetables - cruciferous vegetables include radish, cauliflower, and broccoli. Most cruciferous vegetables are known to prevent cancer and the degeneration of cells in the body, thus, delaying aging.

The next step to longer life is drinking water, which is probably one of the easiest ways to acquiring longer life. Water is crucial to all life forms. According to research cellular dehydration can cause stress-induced damage. Drinking at least 6 glasses of water per day can effectively get rid of waste materials, flush away toxins and improve physical performance.

One of the most effective anti aging diet care programs is said to be fasting. Fasting involves avoiding food (while only being allowed to drink water) for a considerable period of time as an anti aging diet care plan. The basic function of fasting is to detoxify your body and control weight. Benefits of fasting include clearer skin, lighter stance, better concentration and lessened inflammation. When there are fewer toxins in the body there is better blood circulation and decreased deterioration of cells. - 15437

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