Saturday, February 28, 2009

How To Get The Lowest Cost Funeral

By Jack Hammerson

Many senior citizens begin to consider their alternatives concerning burial costs after they reach a certain age, or when there is a death in the family. It is a very real concern. The price of burying a loved one has skyrocketed over the last ten years. The advertisements you see on TV tell us that we can hire a funeral director for about six thousand dollars. What they don't make clear is that price is their cost and does not include the cost of the burial vault, casket, the grave site and opening and closing the grave. The cost often tops $14,000.00.

There is a much cheaper way to be buried. Cremation is by far the cheapest way to bury a loved one. Most people shrink from the thought of cremation, worried they are doing something against their christian principles or that their bodies will not go to heaven if they cremate a loved one, or themselves. You need not worry. Please remember that your body does not go to heaven. It is your soul that goes to heaven. The body rots in the grave. So, if you have done anything, you have prevented the body from rotting.

Cremation is a very real alternative to burial for one very special reason; you can save thousands of dollars. For the elderly person living on a fixed income, spending thousands of dollars for a funeral is out of the question. They don't want to create more debt that will be left to their loved ones to pay. If they don't have the money to pay for a funeral, more often than not, they will be buried by Welfare in a cardboard coffin and a concrete vault that does not seal, letting water soak into the coffin and starting the rotting process faster than normal. None of us want to think of our loved ones rotting in the grave when we could have prevented it.

What can we do to insure our loved ones remains are taken care of respectfully? The cheapest and most respectful way is to cremate the body. With cremation we don't have to buy anything, except an urn to keep the ashes in. There is no grave to buy, no casket or concrete vault to purchase and no opening and closing costs of hundreds of dollars on top of the grave costs. Cremation allows you to choose to keep your loved one with you or to scatter the ashes over an area that was special to him/her, such as a special fishing spot, or a beautiful wooded locale that was special to your loved one. Maybe he or she was an avid sailor and wanted their ashes spread over the sea. You can do that.

Cremation is the lowest cost funeral you can possibly have. The average cost of cremation is less than $200.00. Some states allow you to provide your own box in which to cremate the body, saving you even more money. It's your choice, thousands versus a couple hundred dollars. Which is most affordable for you? - 15437

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