Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Twitter Micro-Blogging Is Cool - Take Full Advantage of it!

By Matt Hellstrom

Twitter is all the rage on the internet right now. Twitter is a website where you can post little messages, or micro-blogs, and they will be sent out to anyone that is following you. This allows you to tell your friends or acquaintances exactly what you're doing at a particular time, or all the time, depending on how carried away you get! This can be business or personal related, and should be a combination of the two.

If you're building a web-based business, some of your "tweets" should be business-oriented. For instance, if you post a new entry to your blog, let your twitter followers know. If you're watching a webinar that might be helpful to others, let them know.

But you need to find a happy medium. If you just post business tweets, people are going to think you don't have a life (and they may be right!). This is web 2.0, social networking, and you need to be social. Find something to talk about - anything - other than your business and you'll keep your followers interested for much longer.

Maybe you liked Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight. Maybe you're a fan of the Yankees. Or maybe you hate the Yankees because you're a fan of the Red Sox. Maybe you've got kids, ride bikes, volunteer at a soup kitchen, etc. Let people see the real you, and they'll probably like what they see.

There are a few ways to make your twittering more effective and efficient. I'm going to give you seven ideas about what I do.

1. Follow a lot of people. Here's how I did that: I found someone that was already on Twitter that had similar interests as me, social and attraction marketing, and started following everyone he was following. When I got up to 2000, Twitter wouldn't let me follow any more, and I assume they have a limit. However, I have seen people that are following more than 2000, so there must be some kind of criteria, probably involving how many are following you. Anyway, if you follow enough people, a bunch of them are going to follow you back. When they do, send them a tweet with a link to your blog.

2. When someone follows you, follow them back. Pretty soon, people will start to follow you that you didn't follow in the first place. (They probably found you the same way you got started). When they follow you, follow them and send a similar message to them as you did above. If you're already at 2000 people, go in and delete a few that aren't following you. I get rid of the ones that don't have a picture, because they probably aren't too serious about Twitter. Which leads to point 3.

3. Personalize your site. Add your picture. Write about yourself, and post a background image. Put your blog or website link on it. Remember, you need to be social - even if you're not!

4. Go into your Facebook account and add the Twitter application. You're not on Facebook? Well fix that problem now! You absolutely must be on Facebook if you're serious about social marketing, it's that important. The way that works is when you make a post on Twitter, it will post the same thing on Facebook. Twice as many people will see what you're doing with the same amount of effort.

5. Check out This is a program you download to your computer that sits on your desktop and display tweets from others without having to have your browser open. Of course, you can post your own tweets there, too. One neat thing about twhirl is it has a built-in url shortener in it. If you have a long link to post, you might now have enough space. In twhirl, you can just enter the link into a box and click "shorten" and you'll get a short link that you can use in your tweet.

6. Try twitterfeed if you're a blogger. Twitterfeed automatically tweets any new posts that you make to your blog, and if you're connected, to Facebook. It works by monitoring your RSS feed periodically for new posts, and if it sees any it sends out a tweet. Saves you time and having to remember. You can set it up for free at

7. Sign up for automatic updates from In the profile section of that site, you can put in your twitter username and password and it will automatically set out a tweet when an article you wrote gets approved. Very cool.

So there you have it! Seven simple ways to put twitter to work for you. Go ahead and get signed up if you're not already, and put some or all of these ideas in motion and you'll rapidly increase your web of content and sphere of influence! - 15437

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