Saturday, February 28, 2009

Marriage Advice - How To Stop Relationship Drift

By Johnnie S Laney

We start out in marriage so close and intimate. Then, over time, things can get more mechanical and stale between us. We start to drift apart and feel less loved and appreciated by our mate. Is this normal, and is there anything you can do about it if it is happening in your marriage?

It is very common for their to be relationship drift in all lasting marriages. It's normal, but if not corrected it can cause marital crises or divorce. Relationship drift often leads to separation and cheating. What can be done?

The first thing you can do to cure relationship drift is simple, fun and yet very powerful. And that is to PLAY more with your mate. When you first got together with your spouse, you played a lot. Dinner, sex, movies, etc. You both had a lot of fun. Then over time you probably stopped playing very much. Some marriages can lose almost all play between spouses over several years.

It's not hard to play more in your marriage, though it will take some focus. One easy way is to set up a date night once a week. On this night you simply spend some quality fun time with your spouse doing things you both enjoy.

Make your date night special quality time with your spouse. Don't talk about work or the kids or other stresses and burdens in your life. Clear time to relax and enjoy each other and what you are doing. Playing is not hard, even if you are out of practice!

Another thing you can do to stop relationship drift is to find ways to keep sex from getting too mechanical. You don't have to wear a belly dancer outfit or try 1000 different positions. Sex should be fun, not make you feel inadequate or ridiculous.

One easy method for better sex is to have sex when you aren't both too tired at the end of the day. Make some time for sex when you both will have energy rather than be half asleep. Then simply take that energy and focus some of it on pleasing your mate. They'll definitely notice and get more into pleasing you as well.

These two tips can begin to turn around relationship drift. Adding more play back into your love life can quickly improve your marriage. Your mate is just like you. They want to have fun, feel appreciated, and feel like you are a special partner in their life. Just ten minutes or so a day of extra focus on playing with them can make both of you feel special again in each others eyes. - 15437

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