Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Get Ex Back In Just Hours

By Johnnie S Laney

If you want to get your ex back into your life in hours, you need a specific, proven, clear plan of action. If you don't have a direct strategy, you may end up waiting weeks or months hoping your ex will miss you enough to want you back.

The very first part of your plan must focus on comprehending objectively why the relationship ended. There are 3 causes of relationships ending. The first common reason is that your ex "isn't that into you" anymore. They lost their passion or desire for you over time.

The other two reasons for why relationships break up is because you wronged your mate in some way, or they wronged you. So you either cheated on them or ignored them or hurt them in some deep way. Or they cheated on you or were too jealous or controlling or whatever. The first step to getting your ex back is to understand why it broke up.

To get your ex back, you are going to have to repair what damaged it, what broke in the relationship, right? So you first have to understand what the core issue was.

Once you've figured that out as best you can, you are ready for the next step. This step is crucial. You want to call your ex and re-engage with them in a short phone call.

What can you say that you might not have already said? Well, you need to address effectively the breakdown in the relationship and what you can do to fix it. If the reason for the break up was you wronged them or they wronged you, this phone call should involve a six or seven step apology process. It works differently if you owe them an apology, say for cheating, or they owe you one, say for infidelity. But the apology process will involve listening to your mate vent as much as you talking!

The important point is that you and or your ex in this call need to begin to release and let go of the negative feelings about the breakdown in the relationship. To get your ex back fast, their negative feelings about what happened need to be vented or released. Once this has begun to occur, then you have a real chance of getting back with each other.

Now, if you got dumped because they just aren't that into you anymore, you need a different kind of short phone call to start to get them back. In this call you do some research. Find out as specifically as you can what about you they are no longer that into. Then, if you want to change that thing for them, (like lose 15 pounds) you call them back a few days later and convince them you will change that thing. There are obviously a lot more details to these two steps to getting your ex back in hours rather than months, but this can get you started. - 15437

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