Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Benefits Of Bach Flower Remedies

By Frank Terne

A natural remedy that made use of flower essences that restores a person's emotional equilibrium was first brought to light by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician from Great Britain. The method could supposedly aid in a person's healing of various medical conditions without relying on more conventional medicines. Dr. Bach first wanted to achieve this as there was nothing he could find from the modern medical community that did the same thing.

Dr. Bach then discovered what is now his legacy, that a person's mental and physical well being are in some ways dictated by their emotional equilibrium. This equilibrium is made up of 38 main emotions, which he then assigned to a specific remedy. Each remedy would then help project positive energy on a person's emotions.

Dr. Bach founded the natural healing power of flower essences to deal with these emotions. With Bach flower remedies, one would be able to bring each emotion into an equilibrium, if any of them were unbalanced previously. Once they were in equilibrium, the individual would be in a better state to deal with his health conditions.

The most important benefit that Dr. Bach derived from the flower remedies were the lack of any negative side effects. This was attributed to the natural origin of their healing qualities. The essences were also only helping to stabilize a person's emotions, and not direct cures for any specific health condition but more to promote self healing.

The essences are created directly from flowers. They contain the beneficial energy vibrations from nature that we all need. By mixing them with mineral still water, they are then consumed, while using a dash of alcohol preservative to maintain their shelf life.

Negative emotions can lead to many different types of health problems, such as migraines, nervous attacks and even muscle aches. By using the Bach flower essences, a person suffering from these conditions can be brought back to equilibrium. At this stage, he or she is more likely to not only think and act clearly, but also in a more beneficial way for the body.

Bach's natural therapy can also be used to help animals and plants. We know that animals have emotions just like us and thus treatable in the same manner. But not many realize that plants also own energies that are akin to emotional states in humans.

With benefits ranging from self healing properties to having no side effects, Bach flower remedies have received much support from the medical community. The process itself might not be easily understood by many people, but the results are undeniable. With more individuals turning to natural medical help, this therapy method could soon become more commonplace. - 15437

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