Friday, October 17, 2008

My Friend Dave, a Beautiful Island, Lawn keepers, and the Economy

By George L. Kenney

My wife Susie recently had a week off from her job. Being an online marketer gave me the latitude to take some time off with her while still keeping up with my business. That's certainly one of the advantages of having an online business.

One thing that we have always enjoyed together is long walks on the beach at sunrise. Living less than a mile from the ocean makes it possible for us to take our walks every weekend when we want. having a home based business makes it easier to take our walks more often when Susie is on vacation.

Friday of vacation was for running errands. We decided to go for our walk on the beach first and then go pick up chlorine for the pool, stop at some of Susie's favorite shops to browse, as well as maybe take a drive. We arrived at the pool supply store early so decided to take a drive, we had about a half an hour. We headed north on U.S. 1 through a natural preserve and were planning to drive back south along A1A through a beautiful and very affluent ocean side community.

Susie suggested that we stop and get a snack to carry us until lunch. We stopped at a filling station/convenience store to pick something up. The man behind the checkout counter was my buddy Dave. I know Dave from the mortgage business. He was an Account Rep for a very large mortgage lender. Dave and I used to meet several times each month to see how I could do more business with his lender. Dave was great and really knows the mortgage business well. When Dave saw me, he explained how he had to get a job in order to stay current financially. I was saddened to see Dave in that situation, and relieved to know he was doing o.k.

Susie and I bought our snacks and drove toward A1A. The "Beautiful Island" was a short distance and as we were driving down A1A, my emotions were getting the best of me. First seeing Dave, once a proud professional, and also driving through one of the most beautiful and well kept ocean side communities in the country. All the mansions are huge and the lawns are so well manicured. Some very famous people with names such as Tiger and Celine own homes along this drive and it just screams wealth at every turn.

While driving, I also thought about those who kept this place looking so great. I wondered how long some of them had been in this country, how they must feel to be working in such a beautiful environment, and actually what it must feel like to them just to be able to live in this country.

We arrived back at the pool supply store, picked up the chlorine, and drove to the nautical novelty store. They weren't going to be open for about another 10 minutes so we decided to visit the charity thrift store next door. I was back in the television section when the announcer broke in on the "Today Show" with breaking news. It was President George W. Bush urging Congress to pass the $700,000,000.00 bailout. After visiting our nautical novelty store to pick up a few remembrances of Susie's (and my) vacation, we headed for home.

I thought about the experience all weekend and into the following week. I thought about everyone who lives on the "Beautiful Island" and how they are unaffected by what is currently happening in the economy. I thought about the grounds keepers and gardeners and how they are also unaffected. Then, I thought about my friend Dave, and so many others in the "middle" who are deeply affected. So many whose dreams have been dashed and whose future is so unclear.

My thoughts are also these; have you seen this coming and if so for how long? And also, what are you doing to secure your and your family's financial future? - 15437

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