Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Potent Properties Of The Caralluma Herb

By Therese Zachary

What is Caralluma? Basically, the Caralluma herb is an edible succulent plant. It has been utilized by the people of India for over a hundred years for many purposes, including the control of hunger and improved strength. However it has also been simply used in cooking, as Caralluma is a typical part of the Indian diet. So what is the Caralluma herb all about exactly?

Characteristics - Spiny leaves and thick flowers characterize the Caralluma plant. The flowers are star shaped and may be purple, red, black or yellow. They are typically show during the summer or fall. The Caralluma stands with an angular stem and is clump forming. While the herb has been found extremely useful in many kinds of situations, it is also characterized by a foul odor. The Caralluma herb thrives throughout most of India and even reaches Afghanistan and nearby places.

As Vegetable - Hundreds upon hundreds of years, even before the Caralluma herb was known to the Western world, it has been utilized by the locals of India as a vegetable. It has also been mixed with chutneys and pickles. It can be consumed both cooked and raw. The green follicles of the herb are often boiled, salted, and consumed.

The past few centuries have seen the discovery of certain properties that made the Caralluma herb more than just part of a vegetable diet. These properties were somehow able to suppress appetite naturally while enhancing energy levels and satiating thirst at the same time. Because of this, the Caralluma has become an extremely useful type of "portable food." It is even called a "famine food", since it helped fight off hunger in times of desperate need of food. Those who had to travel long distances on land also needed something to make their journey a bit more bearable. Even back in history the Caralluma herb was already being used by tribesmen to treat health conditions such as diabetes.

Today, more and more scientists and researches are beginning to understand just how useful the Caralluma herb could be in the Western world as well. Because it is well-known for its appetite suppressing and energy boosting properties, it could very well be used in weight loss regimens.

Other Benefits - Not only that, further studies have shown that the Caralluma herb indeed contains properties that are able to lower blood sugar levels in the body as well. So with the herb itself, you can lose weight effectively and stay the healthiest possible.

Powerful Properties

Saponins - The Caralluma herb carries saponins, which are natural cleansing properties. These special properties are beneficial for a variety of things. They can help fight against acne as well as oily skin and scalp. They are able to sooth symptoms of dermatitis, dandruff and eczema. Saponins are basically antioxidants, which means they are also able to fight against free radicals that damage cells. Moreover, they are known to treat arthritis and are anti-rheumatic. Other uses are for enhanced endurance and mental concentration.

There are other properties and components as well. Other key components of the Caralluma herb include Flavone Glycosides, Pregnane Glycosides, Megastigmane Glycosides, and Bitter Principles. All these are called phytochemical constituents, which help in maintaining a healthy weight and appearance when consumed as recommended. - 15437

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