Thursday, October 23, 2008

What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes?

By Don Pedro

Lots of diabetic victims don't even die from diabetic. Rather, they die from other illnesses that arise as a result of the diabetes. Such illnesses include stroke, heart disease and even kidney failure. So, taking very good care of your health and following your doctor's prescription in every details is important if you want to stay alive with diabetes.

I know it's difficult to be constantly monitoring what you eat and drink, but if you truly value life, you should - to keep your diabetes under control. After all, you only have one life to live. Ensuring it's worthwhile is a good bet.

If you ever get to the point of having what's known as chronic diabetes burnout - that's when you get to the point where you feel you just can't handle the management of your diabetes anymore, seek professional help. There are experts who know precisely how to help you, but you have to get their help first.

For lovers of vegetable oil, it's time to give it up because it's not very good for diabetes. Instead of vegetable oil, use canola or olive oil. These are much better and will help keep your diabetes under control.

Do you know that simply smiling all the time can help with your diabetes, especially as a way of keeping your stress level down? It's true. You see, smiling helps because anytime you smile, you release endorphins which help you manage stress. You can take it a step further by laughing every time you get the opportunity to. Better still, get lots of comedies that will help you laugh and be happy. This will help far more than you can imagine.

No matter how much you love sugar, it's time to give it up, as a diabetic patient. You can however replace your love for sugar with honey. It's also sweet as sugar but doesn't contain the harmful properties of sugar for diabetic patients.

Some of the popular fruits and vegetables that help in the management of diabetes include whole grains, oysters, egg yolk, nuts and seeds, beef liver, almonds, sardines, ginger root, and even chicken.

If you just can't put together a diet that will help your diabetes, consult a professional dietitian (an expert in the study of diets and nutrition) to help you. And when they do, ensure you stick to it. It's not enough to know what to eat and what not to eat as a diabetic, it's much more important to stick to what you should eat and not eat. - 15437

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