Thursday, October 23, 2008

Send Flowers: The History of a Beautiful Tradition

By A Nutt

Flowers make the ideal gift for nearly every occasion. Whether someone has celebrated a birthday, there are flowers specially arranged for flowers or lost a loved one, there are funeral flowers. The vast range of colors and types that are available means you can literally find something for every occasion. People love to get flowers, too, so that makes them an even better gift. But how did we get started giving flowers?

In the Beginning

No one knows exactly who gave the first bunch of flowers, but it could easily go as far back as Adam and Eve! Toddlers automatically pick wildflowers to give to their mothers, drawn by the colors and prettiness. We do know, however, that each culture has used flowers for different reasons. In Ancient Greece, flowers were considered to be property of the gods, making them very special. There are accounts of flowers being given as a gift for many thousands of years. The majority of these would have been flowers that where picked wild, plus a few from the garden.

The Language of Flowers

In Victorian times, flowers were used to express more than just admiration or love. Entire letters could be written with blossoms alone! Each flower has a specific meaning . . . though the exact meaning depends on a variety of factors, including color and size. For example, a red rose means "passion", pink means "romance" and coral colored roses mean "friendship".

Back in the day, people knew the meanings of all the most common flowers and this made each and every bouquet full of much more meaning. A young man might send a girl a bunch of wildflowers, but it would really be a message in disguise! Even today, some people enjoy learning the meaning of flowers and adding these special flowers to their bouquets. It really adds a whole other dimension to a simple bunch of mixed flowers.

This time period was definitely the most meaningful of all for flower giving. With the extra messages contained in bunches of flowers, it was one of the big gifts of the day.

Modern Flower Giving

Traditionally, men gave flowers to women, but now it`s quite acceptable to give a man a bouquet of more masculine blooms, too. Even children get into the act! Try giving a little girl a bunch of birthday flowers and you`ll make her day.

These days, it`s quite common and acceptable to give flowers as gifts. We aren't restricted to simply wild flowers or those available in the garden anymore, either. Now there are tropical blooms and more delicate varieties of flowers available year round. This makes giving flowers a more exciting experience.

With the ability to grow many flowers in hothouses right in country and also the ability to import those that don`t grow well in the greenhouses, your options at the florist are stunning. No longer are we restricted to daisies and roses. Now you can select a delicate orchid, bird of paradise or lily for that special someone. It really opens up the realm of possibilities, thanks to airplanes and special technology.

Another modern convenience is the internet, which lets anyone anywhere in the world buy flowers online and have them delivered to a specific destination. You could easily be in the US and have flowers delivered to your mother in Spain! This turns the art of giving flowers into something so easy to do that you don`t even have to leave your own home or office. Just find a good website and you can send flowers without ever having to set foot in a florist shop. - 15437

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