Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Top 3 How to Attract Women Tips

By Paula Phillips

A lot of dating gurus out there love to give secrets and tips and petty tricks saying they're teaching you how to attract women. Although these tips and tricks might help in some ways, it really doesn't teach you how to gain genuine interest from a girl.

The truth is, there are only three things that you should remember if yoy wanna know how to attract a girl: engaging, humor, and confidence

1. Engaging

What does it mean to engage?

Engaging is simply about knowing how to start and sustain a conversation. It's not about knowing how to pick up women with washed-up pick-up lines; it's about showing genuine interest by creating a stimulating and interesting conversation.

Creating a stimulating conversation communicates interest that goes beyond the surface level and tells her that you really want to get to know her better, not just to pick her up for the night.

2. Humor

If you want to know how to attract women, comedy is one of the best ways to go. You don't have to be a gag show or a clown but a good sense of humor goes a long way. Women find it hard to resist a funny man who can give them a good time even in a most mundane situation.

3. Confidence

And finally, confidence. The one thing that you should have if you really want to know how to atttact women, then you definitely have to have confidence. It doesn't matter if you've read all the pick-up books in the world; if you don't believe in yourself, then everything you've read won't be put to use.

The simple truth is, confidence is what every good woman out there look for in a guy. And women can tell whether a guy has confidence or not.

Playing the pity game will get you nowhere. Of course, some may find it cute but cuteness is way different from attraction. If you want genuine attraction, then you have got to be confident in yourself.

Want to learn more about attracting women? If you really do, then you must check out James Bradley's courses on how to attract women. His course can release the real irresistible you.

This book, and a lot of other bonuses that come with it will teach you just how to meet the girl of your dreams, create and maintain a relationship with her, and treating her right in bed. If you want a long-lasting relationship with the right woman, then James Bradley is the man for you. - 15437

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