Thursday, October 23, 2008

Who Else Wants To Know More About Asthma Treatments?

By Don Pedro

The actual cause of asthma is unknown. Asthma attack though is known to be triggered by environmental factors like weather, dust and other irritants.

Asthma attack may vary from one patient to another. Severe cases can be life threatening as the swelling may cause total blockage of the respiratory tract. Proper care should be taken to prevent the trigger of these swellings. Don't make the mistake of treating asthma with kid gloves. It's a serious condition.

Receiving medical attention for your asthma condition may be quite expensive. Some insurance companies may even refuse to insure you as they term your health as that with a pre-existing condition. There are a lot of health food stores that you can visit to go over your attacks and triggers. Such stores will provide you information on how to cure you asthma naturally.

If you think asthma is a death sentence, think again. Lots of people have survived it and you can survive it as well. There are world leaders, athletics, artists, actors and actresses who have had asthma, yet they survived it and became world acclaimed. You can too, if you give yourself a chance.

There are two major ways by which asthma is been controlled. The first is the long term control, which help prevent the occurrence of the attack. The second is the short termed control which provides relief from the attack's symptoms. Whichever method of control you undergo, ensure that it works for you.

Asthma attacks relate to difficulties in breathing. Practicing breathing exercises can help reduce the effect of the attack when it comes. There are various breathing exercises that you can practice whenever you are under attack. An example of a very effective breathing exercise is the Buteyko.

There are a lot of breathing exercises available for the treatment of asthma. One of the breathing exercises available is the inhalation-retention-exhalation exercise. This exercise carries out breathing in a specific pattern. This pattern is in a ratio 1:4:2. That is where you inhale for 2 seconds, retain the air in your lungs for 8 seconds and exhale for 4 seconds. The minimum allowed period for inhalation is 4 seconds and you are asked to build it up to 16 seconds bearing the ratio of other activities in mind.

What you eat is known to either aggravate or reduce your asthmatic condition. There are series of foods that are good for you like honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. The food you should avoid includes dairy products, food that has preservative additives and grains. They destroy resistance and make you susceptible to an attack. - 15437

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