Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bailout Crisis - Real Estate, Taxes and the Mortgage Crisis

By George Evers

Are financial leaders have proven themselves to be a band of numbskulls. The leadership offered is a socialist vs. a watered down free market solution embedded with heavy lobby money. Lobby financial interests have befuddled clear thinking.

Selling houses to people who could not afford those home let alone the property taxes was begun by legislation passed by President Jimmy Carter. His legislation encouraged home ownership to people who were high financial risks by making it easy for them to get loans.

President Bill Clinton put this bogus practice on steroids. He enacted legislation that punished mortgage lenders that would not comply. He deregulated risk by legislating against it causing a complete abandonment of sound lending practices.

Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac bought these loans, repackaged these loans and sold them on the open market. They sent hundreds of millions of dollars by their lobbies to politicians that in order to continue this masquerade.

To insure these bad mortgages, AIG and other insurance companies evaluated the risk and sold insurance to cover these mortgages in case of default. Their leverage was set at a 12 to 1 ratio. They too threw millions of dollars into legislator's coffers and asked for and got the permission to raise their leverage to a 30 to 1 ratio. This greatly increased their risk as well as greatly increased their short term profits.

This fraud was given the stamp of approval by chief economists Greenspan and Bernanke and the ship of fool's balloon took off. Socialist organizations such as Acorn (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) and other related groups pressured banks into giving even more misguided loans.

Banking Committee Chairman, The House Finance Chief, SEC Chairman and other top-ranking government officials allowed this cancer to perpetuate because of the lobby money they received. The greed for lobby money twisted sound reasoning and perpetuated complete nonsensical thinking. The only solution for not tempting elected officials to sway their votes from socially responsible to sociopathic dimensions is to banish those accepting lobby money from government service as well as requiring jail time.

A balloon full of hot air eventually has to crash. Instead of letting the markets sort this out, bailout is the new mantra. The global credit boom is OVER. Throwing out 700 billion dollar band aids laden with lobby inspired pork on the situation is meaningless. There is little the Fed or Congress can do to change it. Thanks to the weasels the Emperor has no clothes. The danger of ignoring economic realities is how we ended in this financial crisis. Where is the outrage?

Real estate prices have fallen so many municipalities have raised tax rates. When you look at your property tax assessment, there is a good chance that comparable sold homes would give you an edge for a property tax appeal. At least it is worth a second glance. - 15437

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