Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Travel Photography For Freelance Writers

By Louise Servage

Thinking of becoming a freelance writer? Then you should also think about photography. Your articles will be much more valuable if you can include some good, original and pertinent photographs in your articles.

As a freelance writer you will have to travel. Sometimes you will have all of your expenses paid for you, but most of the time you will have to pay for your own expenses and then get them reimbursed. Make sure that you have the deal in writing, you don't want to go and spend your hard earned money, thinking that you will get it back and then find out that you are out of pocket.

With a digital camera and a quality memory stick, anyone can take a reasonable photo. Why not add photography to your repertoire, you will be adding to your value to you client.

A handshake deal will always cause you problems, either you or your client will remember something differently. Trust is a good thing, so trust in your contract or written agreement, not in yours or your clients memory or honesty.

If your client asks you to do something or go somewhere that isn't covered in your contract get him to redo your contract before you comply with his wishes. You could find that you have gone to a lot of extra expense, and not get paid for it.

No matter how good your article on Spain is, you won't get paid for it if your client wants and article on Portugal. Along the same lines, if you are writing an article about Oranges no one is going to pay you for photographs of Apples, are they.

Some editors will want the copyright of any of the photos that you take. If you can avoid it never sell your copyright, let alone give it away. As a newcomer you will feel under pressure to hand over your copyright to your employer, don't. A professional will never give away his rights and will only sell them for a large fee.

To the uninitiated it may seem a waste of time and effort to take so many pics of the same subject. But it is better to have too many photos than to have the few that you take turn out to be useless and amateurish. Take lots of photos then you won't have to go back to your location to re-shoot if something goes astray.

This is why digital photographs have become much more popular. Taking hundreds of photos on film was a very expensive exercise. With a digital camera you can take thousands of photos, download them onto your computer, chose the ones that you want to keep and discard the rest and it wont cost you a cent. - 15437

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