Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Beginners Guide On Colon Cancer Treatment

By Don Pedro

Being number two amongst the leading causes of death by cancer in the United States and Canada, colorectal cancer causes more than half a million deaths all over the world. In the United Kingdom, it is feared just as badly, with the death tolls constantly on the high side each year.

Colon cancer is as bad a curse as any you know. Imagine having troubles with the whole of your digestive system, gradually losing it to a tumor; that's the bad part. The worst part is that it continues to grow like all other cancers. All of a sudden, other parts of your body and insides are infected.

Most people don't look forward to treating colorectal cancer, least of all, you, the sufferer. First you need a colonoscopy to learn the extent of the disease. This done, you need a surgery to begin the treatment. A lot of the time, it is finished off by chemotherapy.

With a colonoscope, a physician is able to examine your colon to see the extent of your colon cancer. As soon as they see that it is real and depending on how extensive you have been infected. Surgery follows, for the most part; and then you are on to the radiology lab for chemotherapy.

It is common for physicians to recommend colonoscopy to diagnose a large bowel cancer case. Once such symptoms as bloodied feces, unexplained weight loss, and pain in you abdomen are noticed, you should go right in and see a doctor. Check for the disease, and have yourself treated as soon as you possibly can.

Colon cancer, like other types of cancers, is curable if diagnosed early. This means that you have to catch it before the cancer has had the opportunity to spread beyond your intestines. If you fail at this, you certainly cannot be blaming anyone else for your misfortunes. It's worth repeating here that early detection is the key to surviving colon cancer.

You can contract a large bowel cancer more easily the older you grow. As such, my advice is that you begin to go for more regular checkups all the time. You want to catch the syndrome early enough to cure it before it becomes malignant.

Cancers are cells in your body that die and don't get expelled. Colon cancer is a collection of cells that are not expelled from your bowels when they should have been. It is just kind of funny that the very part of your body that should be responsible for excretion is now turned around to be infected by failed excretion. - 15437

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