Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cheaters: Why They Do It

By Shalini Reed

After many people marry, they experience a great honeymoon period where they feel so pleased with each other. To the outsider and to you, the marriage looks like the ideal union. You both think that you each share every thought or feeling together anywhere or anytime.

Most people don't know it, but you can still cheat although you can stay say you love your spouse. People may say that if you cheat on your love it must mean you don't love them anymore, but this is not true. When someone cheats it actually could mean nothing to the cheater except an exciting experience or it could mean the person is in love with the other person.

Why are spouses unfaithful to each other? Some feel that, if no one knows about it that it is alright to do it, especially if their spouse doesn't know what happened. In relationships people sometimes get bored with each other and have regrets, others feel lost and down without purpose in life, or others fight vigorously often, or others want to get back at a spouse for their past cheating ways.

What's shocking to most people is that most cheating spouses feel unappreciated and not noticed by their spouse. There is an underlying feeling of worthlessness and low self esteem that the person feels and cheating helps to pick up self worth temporarily. When a person cheats with a new person who finds them attractive, they feel better about themselves.

Oftentimes, the cheater does not trust the other spouse, especially if they have been unfaithful in the past. The act of cheating can be the result of feelings of anger and revenge against the spouse. Instead of confronting the spouse, the cheater hides his or her anger and acts out in becoming unfaithful instead.

If someone cheats, people automatically assume it must be because the other person looks so attractive. In truth, many affairs begin with people that are ordinary looking or less than attractive. Most times affairs begin because of an ability to connect emotionally that leads to a sexual connection between the two people.

Do some spouses catch their mate cheating? Sometimes they do, but often spouses are so busy that they are oblivious to what is going on. Some spouses will get a sixth sense that their partner's moods are different, happier and preoccupied, or that they are concerned about their clothes or they way they look.

Cheating can stop if couples start to communicate with each other so that they know what is going on. Find out if the love is still present in the relationship. Keep in constant contact with each other and treat each other with respect, love, and compassion. - 15437

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